Chase Bliss Generation Loss MKII

I agree that CB should cover all shipping costs, including setting up a return label. This isn’t a user problem … it’s a manufactures problem. Even a company like Microsoft will do this (include sending you a box to properly ship it back in some cases).

Ultimately, this is my first CB pedal. This isn’t a good first impression on their company. It is similar to a recall by an automobile manufacturer that will fix your car as long as you drive it to Minnesota, USA for the fix. (or give you instructions on how to fix it yourself in your garage in case you are an auto mechanic).

I would expect more bending over backwards for the consumer by CB considering the price of the pedal.


Sorry I disagree on this. The pedal isn’t broken, it works fine, its a subjective thing, they never advertised ‘full bass response’ before selling it. The fact that they listened to customers and made these mods so fast is purely customer service, something that they never did before afaik.

I do agree that they are making their lives complicated by essentially creating a mod that can’t easily be undone, and ‘forcing’ that upon the new customers, essentially creating 2 groups: the batch 1 group and the rest. Unequality will always piss people off


It doesn’t really matter of we agree or not. CB is a business. This affects their reputation. By making the mods standard on all new pedals, they are admitting a mistake.


I understand your point of view, but the fact that they decided to change it permanently from now on is the ultimate recognition that it really was a mistake on their part, otherwise they wouldn’t have taken such a drastic measure.
Of course the pedals works, but it has a limitation that was not informed to the consumer so he could make an informed choice. So IMO it’s fully Chase Bliss responsibility to fix it for free for any customer that is bothered by that limitation.


I mean, you can’t even call it a mod when it’s standard on all production units from now on, that’s just plain ridiculous.


still don’t agree, I don’t see it as a mistake at all.

they just want to make customers happy, and since it a hardware mod, they chose to go for the 70% that wants the bass mod from now on as a standard. This also means that some people won’t be happy and prefer the older version.

If they would have just said ‘its a hardware thing to create a lofi effect’ and ‘we can’t change it’ , then eventually not many people would be pissed. now they made things complicated, out of love for the (majority of) customers.

To be fair: the pedal was marketed as lofi / vhs simulator, and they showed video’s of the sound before starting the order process. They did not have to change anything, but chose to listen to customers.


I wonder the same thing, so I’d like to see more comparisons before I decide to send it to get it modded yes or no

That’s true, they could have done nothing about it, but eventually those 70% would end up selling up because it wouldn’t fit their purposes.

All opinions aside, it’s at the very least a big marketing mess that could’ve totally been avoided if they had tested it more thoroughly and implemented this “mod” as a dip switch option.

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Rather it’s like adding / upgrading a feature in firmware.


I dunno what to think. Isn’t the slight high pass kind of… well, what you want out of the lo-fi aesthetic? I think people are naturally inclined to like a perceived “fuller” sound but how much of that do you get with the hardware it models?


this part I agree on! the above posted screenshot shows a bit of their initial thinking process, which I can relate to. Thing is, it also increases my doubt if I want that bass mod yes or no.

Exactly! If you just want to throw full mixes throught it or drum machines and want to use it solely as a saturation effect, perhaps pedals like strymon deco or analog heat are better suited. Since I mainly use it to give synth leads/pads a bit more lofi vibe reminiscent of old tape decks (what imo was what the pedal was intended to do), I see the filter (and less muddiness in a mix) as a benefit.

I would assume the people bought this with the intention of degrading their sound to get that lo-fi aesthetic. If you got it just to add some slight saturation to your drums or master chain why not get an Oto or something?

Who buys a pedal to emulate things like a toy recorder and goes “oh man I’m losing frequencies what the hell”


Yeah. I think the only error here is bowing to pressure and making the bass mod standard on future batches. This makes it seem like an error, but they have stated they still think the HP filtered sound is what they intended. So they should stick to their guns IMO. Don’t like it? The mod is there if you want it, but totally reasonable to ask for shipping to be paid by the user.
And whilst a dipswitch option would clearly have been preferable in hindsight, it is very hard to predict the user feedback you may get when thousands of units get out in the wild.


(Language edit)
Anyhoo. Did the Bass mod. No bass loss at all. Totally works. Worth it, but if you don’t have skills DO NOT DO IT YOURSELF.


Well, I left a comment on the youtube page, as CB seems to be reading that, in regards to not putting any financial burden on an early adopter if they choose to make the mod change. A simple, "keep it if you like it, or we will fix at no cost and cover all shipping) option would seem to fix things and keep the universe in harmony.


Eeek. No chance!
But well done. Not pretty but looks like should do the job!

I didn’t buy the pedal because of the toy recorder sound, I would’ve never bought it just for that. And in fact tape has plenty of bass, so it’s not unreasonable to expect that on this pedal.

More importantly, the original Gen Loss that I sold to buy this version did not have this issue, which makes it even a tougher pill to swallow.


Yeh, I thought I had the Noise switch on the “mild” setting.
Nope. Noisy weld. Going to redo on the weekend.