Thing is that it’s easier to EQ subtractively after the fact and nei impossible to EQ boost a hp filtered signal to its original form
Yes, that’s true. But i like pedals that don’t need eq’ing after it because they just sound how i want it.
And while tweaking the sound it’s hard to say i’ll crank up the saturation as far as i like and ignore the muddiness because you can fix it in the mix later. I’d probably lower the saturation automatically.
I think there’s a reason why CB made the unmodded version first. It might sound better for some situations. But as i said i’m also pretty sure the modded version would be better suited for me.
After some time i think it was the correct thing to do to change it, it means people can use it in more circumstances incl on a full mix (which i never contemplated), and you can easily high pass out extra low end post the effect if you want that.
For guitar I prefer to go like gen loss -> reverb -> eq so the eq cleans up the lows, but u still get the reverbed higher harmonics from the lows. Its not exactly a clean sound but if thats what i wanted i wouldnt be putting it through gen loss and a massive reverb in the first place i guess.
I have been using it on EMU romplers and it sounds amazing.
which version?
What I like, after doing the Bass mod, is that the pedal sounds better with all models, when the dry toggle is set to small, than it did previously.
For me, that Dry toggle is more “usable” now, especially with the models that are extremely high-passed.
But maybe, with the “dry type” dip switch ON there is a slight difference going thru the high-passed models. Honestly, I really haven’t noticed. It doesn’t sound obvious to me.
I predict in another year some YouTuber will come along and make a video with the original un-modded GLMK2 that will blow everyone away - and then every one will want one and be dumping their modded versions cheap as chips.
And a bit later there will be a few modded vs unmodded comparison videos and all youtubers will get both versions so they can record their own comparison video.
Or CBA will soon make a mk3 to kill any speculation.
And it will have the classic classic mode as well as the classic mkii mode. Plus a whole bunch of extra modes, knobs and double the dip switches.
And a fixed low pass filter on the dry signal.
Which they then will change in second batch.
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Does anyone have a Kinotone Ribbons to compare the GLMk2 to? I’ve been contemplating swapping if I can get my hands on the ribbons. Jorb’s new video pushed me even closer towards making that decision.
In 2025 producers are going to be wanting that vintage latency and aliasing that made those ‘vintage’ recordings so magical.
I bet Tefi vintage lab will come out with a stereo version, of the golden era with the i/o all on the top and all other lofi pedals will explode haha
I’m also wondering this. Does anyone know the range of serial numbers for the batch of pedals that have the bass boost vs. not?
no i believe not even the guys at CBA know exactly
PS: if anyone is interested I have a first batch/unmodded version up for sale
UK buyers, how long does it take to ship direct from chase bliss hq and what was the end cost? Really tempted to get one. Thanks in advance
I stupidly opened this thread and now I want to buy one
If there isn’t a known serial number range for the bass-boosted vs un-modded, is there a way to tell by looking at the board? Has CBA just replaced the 4 capacitors with bridges in the bass-boosted boards or have they redesigned the boards to remove the pads for the capacitors?
This is the modded version per a post earlier in this thread and the video chase bliss put out explaining how to do the mod.