Chase Bliss Generation Loss MKII

Ordered very early this morning with order #2184. These things are flying off the virtual shelves.

I’ll see your RC-20 and raise you (or is that lower you) at $33 including a radio and speakers, one of these


Why ?


So Generation Loss MKI owners, what do you feel this pedal offers that a DAW couldn’t do post production? Genuine question as pedals like this seem like more of a luxury compared to using plugins after the fact, at least how I see it. Happy to be educated on these things / unique features.

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I own other such degradation pedals and for me it is being able to play it live and interact with it, not as a post production tool. So I totally get the attraction of it being a standalone piece on the wire from your instrument to your recorder and hear yourself like a 1920s vinyl record as you pick the strings.

Still somewhat surprised at what appears to be massive demand though, given the choice now out there…


Not going to lie. This is giving me life today :popcorn:

And there’s still a long way to drop.


Yeah, I’m really surprised at just how high demand is. I guess in the grand scheme of “total number of musicians who use pedals” the number of people preordering this boutique make-your-music-sound-old-and-crappy-on-purpose device is still small, but this is still a lot more demand than I expected.

It’s been cool to see the gen loss and op1 drop. And I say this as someone who has paid full price and more for both. I wish everything would just be accessible all the time!

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This is super dangerous.

Are you talking sound-wise? Nothing. There is absolutely some combination of one or more plugins that will make your track sound exactly like it’s been put through a [insert any digital pedal here including but certainly not limited to Generation Loss].

Or are you talking interface? Because then what [insert any pedal here] can do that a DAW can’t is… everything? The physical and direct act of setting up, routing, manipulating, and tweaking a real device could not be more different from doing the same in software on a computer.

Is that a luxury? Only if the interface doesn’t matter to you (and, to be clear, there is no particular reason it should). But if you happened to be wired such that the interface does matter, then it’s not a luxury; it’s the only only way to go.


Yeah, this really gets down to the whole plugin vs hardware thing, the scope of which is way too large for this thread… but suffice it to say that focusing solely on the sonic possibilities of a plugin vs a physical fx unit entirely misses the point of hardware.

Yes, I have RC-20 Retro Color, but I definitely don’t believe it makes hardware retro fx irrelevant. If sound was the only thing that mattered and all other considerations were put aside, then Elektron boxes would be pointless and none of us would be here – but of course that would be a silly road to go down!


When I get my GenLoss MKII, I’ll post a track with and without it applied.

Any dawer is welcome to try and replicate the results.

Once you’ve accomplished that, then we’ll talk again.


snagged order #1708 ordered at 10:16pm pst! so stoked on this :slight_smile:
How are people determining their order was #XX if order numbers are 4-digits?

I have to kindly disagree with the “old-and-crappy-on-purpose” assessment. I have sort of held this same belief at certain points. Like, why would you purposely degrade your signal? Especially getting my start on Tascam cassette 4 tracks, the idea of degrading signal would seem absurd. But recently, after getting and working with the Sp404 mk2 for a while I’ve started to look at it differently. I now just see it as integrating different sonic textures into my production. The fidelity is not the point. It’s being able to capture a certain graininess or use sonic artifacts as a tool. It is a great way to distinguish certain elements of a song from others. Like maybe you want a distressed synth sound juxtaposed with a super clean guitar line. It’s all about contrast. I’ve also seen the argument here that ‘why not just run your signal through a tape deck’ which is fair but that argument could easily be applied to reverb (why not just record in a staircase with great reflections or whatever). the answer is it’s not very practical.


I hope my comment didn’t read as judgmental. I’ve preordered one and I love the glitchy tape warble. I agree wholeheartedly with the aesthetic assessment you laid out - I was just using shorthand that sounded more dismissive than I meant.

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I don’t even like pedals but for this I make an exception.

PLEASE don’t be sold out in September!

My conclusion not to get a 2nd shallow water, was that ultimately it’s a chorus pedal and when I put two chorus pedals in parallel I usually get random phase cancelation that can be either interesting or (mostly) uncomfortably dissonant.


oh not at all-we cool. I was just using your comment as a jumping off point for my evolving thoughts on these types of effects. Maybe trying to reason my own impulse pre-order :smile:

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well I missed the boat on this one. didn’t see the news until it was late in the day. my order number is 3247. so it’ll be like a year before I see it. on the plus side, CBA raked in 1.3 million dollars today. :exploding_head:

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