Chase Bliss Generation Loss MKII

That’s one big tax bill they’ll have with them lovely folk at th tax office.

Ps. Am I the only one wondering (worrying) why they make a deal about mentioning “low latency”?

Better than them touting its high latency, surely? :wink:

Can I ask, for those who have the Mk1, how often do you use it? It’s an interesting effect, but I can see it getting old fast (like those “scratches on film” filters for video).


did they charge immediately or when shipping?


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I’m never gonna do that. The fact they even charge in full is ridiculous.
Their whole story about not working with retailers seems very one sided.

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By the way, my PayPal failed for unknown reasons, so I paid credit card directly to CBA. Looking at my bank statement, the failed PayPal charge was AU$40 more than the direct payment.

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Kind of agree. If anything they should only charge the production cost as a deposit. Then the mark-up and tax-postage when ready to ship.
If things go sideways (thinking about my losses on “Pledge”) we’re all screwed.
I sell you mine if I’m unimpressed :wink:

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That’s the problem with modelling it on NTSC, instead of PAL which is obviously less latent.

Yes, I’m just making shit up.


I learned a long time ago, when ordering from another country/currency, that Paypal currency conversions are almost always higher than a credit card.

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This. And what if more and more companies keep doing that? Yeah lets not make a trend of this.

Had to jump on it and ordered one. So, this is my birthday present, which is over a month away, and I’m not going to get mine until (probably) 2023. :man_shrugging:

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I agree it’s a bit off and not the best policy. I don’t have concerns that they’ll deliver though. and for one, pretty sure the company affiliated with this very forum has done that in the past (a couple decades ago though…). but secondly, I’m more annoyed when big reputable retailers take full price out of you immediately, and then don’t ship for weeks/months.

but anyway… for me it’s annoying but not concerning. I can see it being more for others though. I am happy that CB has taken the path that they did overall, of wait listing the pedal and making it available to everyone. versus “we made 2000” or whatever and then they’re gone in an hour and immediately on Reverb for 3X the price.


did they say how many they would release by September ?

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To paraphrase what Chase Bliss has basically said so far, preorders are for the first batch which will begin shipping late September and continue through November. They also said today on IG that they are getting even more preorders than they had planned on, and they may be stopping preorders for the first batch in the next day or two. And this not a limited edition pedal and will be part of their regular lineup.


Is this pedal also a “limited run” like the earlier ones? Or will it actually be in production for some time. I cant get one now, but it seems like a cool pedal. But i definately wont buy it used at 2-3x the price in the future.

My order no. Was #54 so that’s how I know I’m number 54. So yes tge pre orders seem to have sold very quickly!

This I don’t know for the simple fact that I don’t have Instagram and don’t want Instagram.
Why don’t they post this on their website? Why are they forcing their own customers on social media to get info?

I’m glad I don’t have to use Instagram, Facebook and all the other stupid stuff from these giant corporate thieves. Why are companies still kissing their feet over the backs of their customers?

Seems to me Chase Bliss cares mostly about themselves, so why would I trust them for months with my money? I’ve seem too many companies going under without clear warnings informing their customer base correctly.

I feel the same way (and don’t use the big networks either), but I’m pretty sure the answer is “this is where the people are”. There are no tools as smooth as FB/Twitter/Insta feeds for updating lots of people in a hurry/conversational style. RSS and ActivityPub attempt, but fail due to UX and network effects.

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The problem is not that it’s on social media but that it’s only on social media.

I don’t buy into the excuses that it’s easier for them to not inform people on their own website because it would take only a few seconds to upload that same post from social media on their own site.

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