Chase Bliss Generation Loss MKII

Where’s this coming from? Seems like a solid company

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You’re assuming their website is set up for this kind of messaging. I don’t see a “news” section. It looks like no-one designed or built a “timely updates” mechanism into the site. To do quickly, maybe they could make it look like a pedal, but that’d be confusing to most people. Using FB/Insta/Twitter only costs them the hourly rate of the people making the update, not the cost of building and maintaining the system plus the hourly rate. Using social media gives them reach, engagement and metrics with 99% uptime guarantees, for free. It’s a no-brainer from a business perspective. I wish it were otherwise.

They could send an email. Even I don’t read most of the corporate mail. I just signed up for the Chase Bliss mailouts, but I know I wont read most of them and will consider unsubscribing in a year.

Regarding Preorders. Does it matter how many people preorder as they will have the inventory to build what is required? Or will they only be able to do so many? Ive never touched this company before so i dont know if they are a big or small setup? Cheers.

They could add a ‘news’ or ‘blog’ section on their website. It really isn’t hard to do or cost much money to maintain.

To be clear I don’t claim they’re not. I’m only pointing a few things out.

Im guessing they Will have limited parts and probably have secured a fixed amount of components. So it will probably be limited in that they most probably will ship pedals in batches…

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I mean, the company started with Joel doing some pedals which has evolved to a multi million dollar company. I’m guessing he just does things that feels the easiest and most right for him… communicating over Instagram being one of those things…

I get what you’re saying, but he doesn’t owe anything to us. With that said, He would probably be more then happy to receive your feedback though. Because it might just be that he hasn’t thought of that


I guess it wouldn’t hurt sending them an email about it. I’ll post their reply if I get anything back.


I thought we all got all of our news from Elektronauts? :slight_smile:


They tend to use Instagram and Youtube videos as a source of news and info. Pretty leftfield I know.

I know I do.

Based on the info they put out about their decision to sell directly only. I would assume you should get a quick and clear response by just reaching out directly.
I am also interested to see if they hold up their end of that

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Most of that information came from the email announcement, and you can sign up for emails on their website. In the email, they even say that they aren’t sure how long the pre-orders will last. The part about one or two days left came from answering a question from someone on Instagram.

And I think this is where something like social media can be useful, because someone from a company can answer question in real-time, whereas not just anyone knows how to update a website.

I follow a lot of pedal and small music companies on IG, and a lot them seem to use Instagram as a tool to reach people, and make announcements. Not all of them have the wherewithal or budget to constantly update their websites. There are a lot of aspects of social media I don’t like, but I think it can be a useful tool to keep communication lines open.

If you feel uneasy about a pre-order, then just wait. They already said it will be part of the regular lineup, so eventually supply will meet up with demand. And there are alternatives available now in both pedal and plugin format.

I agree that preorders can be a gamble, and we all have to weigh our personal risk. For me personally, Chase Bliss delivered for their Blooper Kickstarter a few years ago, so I went for it again on this one.

I would suggest that if you or anyone else has any concerns, complaints, or questions, to reach out Chase Bliss, they have their emails on their websites. Compared to many companies, they seem to listen. The last time I emailed them about something, I actually got Joel responding to my emails.


My guess is they will add details to their announcement message on the website to make it more clear. If I had to guess they are about to buy the parts and are just working with the lead time of those distributors. They likely need to place those orders soon to deliver by November, which is why they would close the pre orders

I would rather them do this kind of pre order than release a new pedal in November and run out quickly and we have to wait for months for more stock

I wasn’t going to preorder, as I was thinking I’d just get one from a dealer whenever they finally came out. Then I remembered that CB went to direct sales only, so I went ahead and preordered this morning. My order # is 3569. I hope that’s the actual serial number, as I usually try to get serial number 69 when buying stuff (the juvenile side of me I suppose). My guess is that that’s the order number for anything (not just the GL2) ordered from CB (pedals, shirts, cables, etc), not the actual serial number.

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I needed this. I already miss it, and they’ve not even shipped yet.

I was playing demos of their other pedals earlier trying to work out why I leaped on this one ('cos I still don’t understand why I impulse ordered it)… I don’t really like their other ones. I guess they’re better in person. But this one… It’s the failure modes. All those little clicks and clips… but soft and grainy. Love it!


Man, that stereo spread sounds real nice.


As someone whose music collection was on 1/4" reel-to-reel tape from ages 12 to 32, I found that informational video rather traumatizing


I’ve only skimmed through but will get this on the headphones later to help decide if this is for me…which it probably is.