Chase Bliss Generation Loss MKII

Man I’m gonna slap this on the mix and go full Vapor Wave!


Nice that a couple of models are collaborations, one with, and one with Amulets.

Also great that Cooper was there today to make it all happen.


After a lot of contemplation, I ended up ordering one and will sell off a few other less-used pedals to make room and help fund it. I currently have my CooperFX Arcades with the Gen Loss card and it’s one of my “always on” effects. Ultimatey thing that pushed me over the edge was that the modes on the Gen Loss card always have some compromise (control of wow but not flutter, etc.) and the new features on the v2 are very appealing. Plus I’d love to be able to use my Arcades to do other stuff, since I got all these dang cartridges for it. Very excited for this one!

no, these order number do not refer to the actual serials.

new companion ahead :space_invader:


2 Thermae!?!? :crazy_face:
Love the black MOOD

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Now THAT’s what you call a Chase Bliss Habit!


Awesome. Thank you.

The analog delays tend to need a lower input to be honest. Habit, MOOD, Blooper all seem to be better


469 euros!?

Oh ffs. Here we bloody go.


So from what I’m seeing the only way to use the filters is to use it in classic mode.

A bit disappointing as I really liked the filters on the last version. But of course I’d love to use these new algorithms.

Would be nice if there was a way to potentially hold the aux button and set the cutoff frequencies with the lp/HP knob

I’m on the Chase Bliss email list and am pretty sure I got an announcement right as it went up on social media, so that’s an option for people who don’t want to hang out on Instagram (I visit occasionally but don’t hang out).


Suppose you could put an EQ pedal in front of it? Or after? I keep finding old Boss Eq pedals around the house.


Yeah, the gas station always gives me one free with a fill-up.


I think I came home from every gig in the 90’s with an extra one. Lost a few too.


Thanks. I was unsure as they specifically noted it on the CXM 1978 page highlighting the “internally boosted +/-15V rails for line level input” but don’t mention line level input on the other pedal pages.

So, all you Gen loss masters.

How would you place gen loss in a chain?
Last, before a reverb/delay etc.

There was a brief demo (on one of the longer videos) of it going into a reverb and it sounded really nice.

My plan is to use it as a send effect… so I’m thinking that maybe I should get another pedal to go along this one…

What’s your plan with tge Gen loss? let’s hear it!


But I almost never use fx on the master, only eq and sometimes compression.

Mostly, I use these kits for sound design and not mixing.

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Nice setup!

Do you have your pedals connected in a chain? Or do you connect each pedal to that patch panel and can then route them however you wish?