Chase Bliss Generation Loss MKII

Thats an interesting approach and the blackbox lends itself well for this with its layout…

I could probably do the same with what I got…

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This thread has ruined me. I was all “no synths 'til I have finished some tracks; OT + one or two of what I already have is enough for now”. Kinda like a mini NGNY but without the commitment.

But this thread has enabled a whole new strand to my GAS and day-dreams. I’ve pre-ordered a GL2 and now I want a reverb. Or two. And a delay. And another distortion. And a Boum.



Yeah, it was born out of need, due to lack of space and gear to use outboard in mixing. But now, it’s become a preference actually.

From a brief glance through, this looks, and sounds, absolutely superb.

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Not to cop out, but it can go anywhere in the chain. I will say the earlier you put it, the more it reads as “texture”. The later, the more as “a tape effect”. I like it pre-reverb. I’ve never liked it pre-delay.


I put a preorder in.

Currently I have a CXM 1978, Zen Delay, and Microcosm. Wonder what else I could gas for…

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all pedals can take those line levels like a charm

Can you define “like a charm” here, because I can’t believe that’s true? Most of those, including the Chase Bliss pedals are not in any way specced for actual line level. Even the Strymon Volante that has it’s own line level mode is quite easy to clip with for example a Digitone.


I’d prefer to let the mastermind speak himself =)

“(…) In short, yes, put line level signals, or any audio garbage you can think of, into Warped Vinyl. See what happens. It loves to tame and smooth high frequency stuff into gooey, analog warmth. And, of course, let us know how it goes [image] Sounds like you got a pretty sweet set up for experimenting and I think Warped Vinyl will make friends with your other stuff pretty quickly.”

counts for all of the CBAs

since the release of the Tonal Recall Blue Knob I running only synths/line level gear through all my pedals. clipping you avoid to lower the synth volume - and after the “to avoid clip” pedal you then just boost it with an EQ slightly. but - i never had to do this.

Line level is +4dBu, Digitone main outputs level goes to +22dBu :slight_smile:

Line level is +4 dbu RMS, and Digitone is +22dbu peak. That doesnt mean that a line level input cant handle +22dbu peaks. But not all can do that either.

I think Strymon can handle something like +8dbu on the inputs.


Pre-order put in this morning (6/17) at midnight EST … #384X


There’s going to be a whole lot of wobbly warbly music four months from now.


If you use pedals in your studio, I haughty recommend adding a Radial EXTC Stereo reamp box. It’s designed for taking studio signals, dropping them to levels and impedance that pedals like, and then cleanly reamplifying the signal back to studio/balanced outputs.


It goes both ways? Awesome… (goes to research)

Got mine from here:

Cheapest I could find in the uk

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I got a 3degreesaudio bygones lofi pedal as my stereo alternative before this came out … still find it pretty convincing and a nice tiny size, any others have an opinion?

(Same dev who did part of the blooper i think)

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Joel posted a new vid on IG. It sounds like preorders will be open for the next 24 hours or so for the first run. After that, preorders will be paused for a bit while they figure out the details for a second run. And again, he says this not a limited edition pedal, and they are trying to make as many as they can.

Have pre-ordered.
Will this pedal help with my mono-stereo fx patchbay woes?
Got my patchbay set up and often use a couple of stereo fx at the end of a chain (OTO bam and boum).
They will accept a mono signal and normal it to L+ R if just the L jack plugged in.
But this means I can’t just have a set and forget situation with my patchy for mono and stereo sources, because if I want to use a mono source I have to unplug the R jack otherwise it breaks the normal.
With the TRS in and MISO switch on the gen loss mk2 will I be able to leave a 2 x TS to TRS cable plugged from my patchbay to the gen loss and feed it mono or stereo sources (just remembering to flick the switch accordingly) and get a stereo out for the fx further down the chain?
Therefore removing the need to keep plugging/unplugging cables.
As in fine to leave the input from a TRS when sending a mono input to the gen loss, no need to switch to a TS?

When are these meant to ship?

Don’t want to be on Holiday when it does.

I think the first ones go out in September, and then they’ll keep shipping them until November when they expect the first batch to be done.

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