Chase Bliss Habit

Thanks to @dokev, already a Habit superuser! Those tips are quite useful. I’ve only had the chance to play with mine for a handful of sessions, but I’m already starting to wrap my head around it. I just did a 10-15 minute jam with it and my model:cycles and I liked where it was going.

When just learning the pedal, I think it’s wise to use some restraint with the material going into it. There are a lot modes and settings that can be tweaked and it can turn into that “hideous mess” / mush of noise unless you’re careful. I think once I get the hang of it, I could find a way to run sequences into it without that happening. For now, I am enjoying playing into and with it. It gives a really interactive, maybe even “conversational” feel to the session. Initial concerns about usefulness are fading away. It’s fun.

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And here’s my first go with the Habit -


Very pretty! What’d you use?! I would never guess there was a habit in this track, but then again what would have given it away?

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Prophet 12 into Habit. Recorded a few loops and then assembled them in the blackbox. It’s just two patches from the Prophet processed in a few different ways through the Habit.


Welp, time to bust out my p12 desktop!

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honestly unbelievable
stunning song and i hope you release it

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Thank you :slight_smile: that was an incredible nice thing to say. I really appreciate it.

I won’t release it, though :slight_smile: I’m a bit of a drifter right now in music, not sure where to go. But I enjoy just discovering new stuff for the moment, like this thing from Chase Bliss.

But yes, truly a kind thing to say. Thank you. :pray:

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Haha well you know me, ol’ 12 and I, we’ll stick together until the end of time. It’s not a kit for everyone, for sure, but when you find its voice, it’s truly unique.

Funnily enough, enjoying the Habit, but also realising what a powerful and similar pedal the 856 Zellersasn.

The 856 allows deeper control of a (up to 20 sec) loop with subsequently adjustable start/end/pos/pitch and then 2 further (like a habit spread/scan) derivative layers with more control of their windowing/pitch/gain parameters.

These two pedals are definitely close cousins in some respects.

For shorter riffs, beats & motifs, I might prefer the 856’s ‘recorded loop sets the tempo’ approach in one of its modes, and window control approach to the Habit’s 3 mins.
the 856 has one further 3rd controllable ‘echo’ to the Habit’s 2 which is also interesting, particularly with the extra controls the 865 offers on each of the 3 layers.

Going to have fun comparing them. Lots to differentiate them too. 856 does make the Habit seems easier to understand but they are both complex and need time to grasp.

Sez you

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serial #2286 here


Oora always has interesting videos:


Bummed out. Habit came during the week and I finally had time this morning to open it up and play with it and one of the buttons is broken :frowning: and now I get to deal with the refund process of some random music store I found on reverb. :frowning:

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You can always try contacting chase Bliss directly, if all else fails. They would probably sort you out.

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spent an evening with habit in weekend. very playful, like a mixture of 856, tensor, ct5, but the ‘always record’ nature is what i like the most. i would apply modify gently to avoid overcooked. experimented collect and feed a bit, i think it’s the deepest part of the pedal.

occasionally the wet signal disappeared for no reason (never touch anything aside from swapping different modify in in mode).

to me, those dip switches are kinda inconvenience, have to access with tool instead of finger. thinking about to get a morningstar control hub to make it more alive.


Thanks for the comparison! Still coming to grips with the 856 so that staves off the GAS for a while. Control definitely seems to be a key difference.

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If anyone in the UK missed these, Andertons now has stock by the looks of it…

Whats the stereo workaround as its Mono only i think.

It’s Mono - as are 99% of their pedals. (CXM is stereo).

This kind of mayhem would easily get out of hand in stereo. It can get messy enough as is, in mono. But in stereo, it’s like Lovecraftian mind bending stuff. You’d literally open the gate to another dimension and who knows what’ll come crawling if you do.