Chase Bliss Habit

I’d very much like to find out :laughing:
Raster 2 has the option of going from mono to stereo in subtle increments. I can imagine many ways where stereo would sound really nice on Habit. But it is what it is.


CBA was impressed with this demo. I can see and hear why. A lot of the musical examples sound like something that could be used in a mix with a band or multitracked alongside sequenced beats, synth patterns, etc.

This person demos how it sounds for traditional delay pedal applications before going into the more experimental territory that peeps love CBA for. Also, a variety of synths are used, in addition to guitar


Very nice board. I currently have a chase bliss preamp automatone MKII, which is holding me back from buying the EUNA (i know about the effectsloop thing for the fuzz, but seems like a hassle).

I could ofcourse sell the chase bliss automatone preamp, and buy a benson preamp+euna instead. Do you think this would improve my tone?

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That I don’t know, as I’ve never tried the Automatone. I run my EUNA in front of all of my dirt/fuzz/preamps. I only use the EUNA’s loop for my tuner.

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Here’s my collection of various synths and loops run through Habit and friends. Sometimes pretty, sometimes experimental. A4mkii makes a couple of appearances and I’m really looking forward to having time to develop tracks where I can hook a dedicated track out to the Habit to add some unpredictable variation to that part of the sequence. Unfortunately, my experience has been that taking a track out of the main outs on the A4 loses a little of the magic. Maybe they knew what they were doing with the mk1 only having stereo outs!


Not sure if there’s a better thread for this but thought it was interesting in the middle of all this gear coming out at the moment.

Basically saying I don’t want to raise prices, I want to make pedals that will be niche, so I’m not selling through dealers any more. Interesting approach, very likeable guy and easy to get behind.


After some stranger releases and inflated prices, this was one of the more refreshing reads.

I like the idea that they’re interested in the laid back atmosphere. Their down time looks amazing. The way they work vs the way I work… I kinda get the feeling I could knock out their builds faster than all of them put together (if I were a builder). Even with that said, more people should work like them and find ways to make that model successful instead of what I’m used to.


Great video, lots of good reasons for only selling direct. They don’t have to raise their prices. They can take more chances on pedals and do smaller runs. They are doubling down on their customer support and making it easier to get in touch with them. They have a 30 day no questions asked return policy. Also cool that they will be covering half of the import fee’s if you order from another country, and you will see what your total is at checkout (with fee’s and all), without having to worry about import fee hitting you later.

I don’t see many downsides to this, I think it is a great idea for Chase Bliss.

Also, what a cool company. Who would have thought a few years ago that both Knobs and Cooper FX would be working at Chase Bliss? Wild.


Nice to see someone step off the conveyor belt of growth, thinking of themselves, their employees, and their core customers. I’ll definitely pay more attention to them in future.


Damn I love Chase Bliss.


I’ve been kinda waiting for a Knobs video about Habit (and in the meantime enjoying using mine quite a lot!) but it seems like maybe the only one we’ll get is straight through the Chase Bliss channel, which I suppose makes sense given he works for them.

Lots of good tips in here, and some great songs!


It sounds kinda kinky

This was actually made by fireghosting. There’s definitely a bit of a knobs vibe in their videos, but they often take it to very different places. I think they’re one of the most underrated channels on YouTube.


This is really cool and I admire their thinking and approach here, but then I had the horrible thought of scalping and basically online stores buying them all up anyway, and selling it at higher price, making the consumer lose. I hope there’s a way they mitigate that, I dunno, verification or something, or you can only buy 1 pedal in the preorder window with the same card / email or whatever

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Agree. Their production values are so high, I would imagine just making these videos is quite taxing.

But if Knobs had a cool style when he was all that, fireghosting took it to the next level with an actual narrative for every video they make.


I think it is very hard to stop individuals from scalping unfortunately.

I don’t think stores will be able to buy in bulk and sell at a higher price, as people can just get the RRP direct from CB. CB know all the stores and won’t sell them a batch if they don’t want to.
It would be a lot of effort for the stores to sneakily buy expensive boutique pedals that don’t sell in high volumes + the headache of transferring the warranty each time. One evil we should be safe from :grinning:

So now that the honeymoon phase has passed for some of you. How do you like Habit?

With the advent of Gen loss 2, I’ve been thinking of adding another pedal to the mix and use them as a fx send in my mixer…

I initially purchased a microcosm off of Reverb but got scammed (no worries though, I got a refund instantly from PayPal)
And while Microcosm seem perfect for what I want to do with the pedals (hazy texture effect to add a little sizzle to the mix) it’s almost impossible to get a hold of…

Looking at other options, it’s seems like chase bliss and red panda seem to be the only pedal makers who do these sort of micro loop pedals. The only pedal though that has really stuck it’s neck out is Habit. Mood looks cool in concept but the results seems really random and very seldom pleasing…

Habit’s become a habit for me. It’s right there next to my Mood.

But it’s tricky to get useful results from it. It can quickly go bonkers and produce things you just can’t use, as it can spit out sounds so unique, you just won’t find them elsewhere.

But if I can spend an hour with the Mood and another hour just putting together the output, I know I have a track. Same time spent with Habit can lead me nowhere. It’s an unpredictable creature.


I like it, and having a full memory being scrubbed through by Scan after jamming is excellent sample fodder or decoration for whatever you’re doing. Unsurprisingly, given my experience with Blooper, I only really find three of the modifiers useful – stepped speed, stability and the filter – and the filter is much less useful compared to the Blooper, where it gave you a way to ‘mix’ the layers of your loop. My main gripe is the inability to choose subdivisions for the delay time when MIDI synced - the Size control just… doesn’t do anything… when it’s receiving clock. Feels like a big oversight to me, and makes it slightly more limited as a delay.

FWIW I actually think anything but the most basic settings gives you results that are more ‘random’ than the Mood. With Mood you’re basically capturing exactly what you just did, and pretty much all the ways you can manipulate that afterwards are harmonically pleasing (though the ‘stepping through fifths and octaves’ thing can get a little old after a while). With Habit, when you’re using the memory you’ve got three whole minutes of the past that could pop up again, and its harmonic relationship or appropriateness to what you’re currently doing can be fairly loose unless you’re really playing with the pedal.

Both are quite different compared to the Microcosm, which just gives you a ton of different instant make-this-sound-nicer modes. Microcosm is more immediately gratifying but all feels a bit safe; Mood and Habit are a bit more dangerous, so feel more unique when you’ve got something good going.


Still in the relative early days of my relationship with it - haven’t yet gotten to a sort of stable understanding of certain aspects but I love the ethos, seemingly arbitrary design decisions etc. Will report back later but yeah, I can see me keeping this forever and just remaining on a send/return for reliably unexpected and often pretty surprises that reference the noises you’ve been making.

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