Chase Bliss Habit

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Mid-term review:

(It’s controversy but) I love it for being mono, to me it’s not the role as lo-fi/ reverb/ delay effects, more of a scissors that can make collage elements. I treat it as a composition tool, not a processor of what I already wrote. I make noise/ ambient stuffs mostly so it suit me the best.

The modulation is a bit lacking to me. Ramp can only have one destination, and EXP/CV would take over the control from Ramp. I believe MIDI can have access to more controls(something like Morningstar).

There are things I still unsure on this pedal (such as Loop function), and I must admit you would easily get lost and overcook your materials.

Still love it very much, hope I can have more times to spend in this pedal.


Congrats, @circuitghost!


Thank you :heart::pray:


I’m really starting to get into this now. A truly unique kit. Like the Mood, I can’t think of anything even remotely like it. But it’s a tough one to decipher, before you get to know it.


I’m still on my journey to that. Sooo at home and fluent with Mood and think I’ll get there in time…
I was so excited by the ‘Collect’ and songwriting tool aspect, and getting a bit lost and confused in the process, that I’ve had to pull back to ‘okay so this is a very interesting delay with modifiers that can reference stuff that happened a while ago if I choose’. Will build back up once more comfortable and spent more time with it.


Released today - found it pretty insightful


That was really great! YT threw me over to a new CBA video that just came out on Habit as well:


Quick question, is it possible to queue up a sound before committing audio to the collect loop? Have a Habit coming my way, can’t wait to try it out.

Never felt happier seeing so many comparative experiences with Microcosm.

It was such a love fest out there for so long, nobody said much of anything negative about it.

I held onto mine for a week before selling. I then bough MOOD and Blooper. I ended up selling Blooper and just keeping MOOD.

And no, not comparing Microcosm to others, but I also found it too limited with results to have a sustained interest in using it. They did nail the nostalgic look.

This seems to be the forgotten Chase Bliss pedal - anyone still giving it some love?

Not as such, maybe others have suggestions but I basically achieved this only with the Octatrack with the Habit on the Cue Out - testing things on main output before ‘introducing’ to the Habit.


Still love it and have made pretty complete experimental tracks on if. Wonderful wee thing. Would welcome some new modifier options down the line and maybe some simpler routes/new modes to get to some of the more complex possibilities. See the Making Songs With Habit vid for the kinds of things I’m referencing - amazing stuff possible but very easy to completely wipe/destroy what you’re doing to get to the most interesting stuff.


Just did, mate -


Even made a little social on it, on my well-crowded and overwhelmingly followed Insta :smiley: -


Digitone into Habit straight into Zoom H5.

Think I ‘collected’ 3 of my Digitone’s tracks, mixing them into the Habit buffer and then just played the pad live and tweaked Habit. I think - get lost in a meditative haze with this pedal! But enjoyed this moody piece and think the mono/lo-fi-ishness suits here.


Sounds like a brilliant use of the Habit, mate.

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