Chase Bliss & Meris CXM 1978 - a reverb, that is

Aaand … go -


Chase Bliss
Stereo I/O
⇒ these are words that go together well



Yeah. That hurts. But if it’s Meris quality with Chase Bliss character, in stereo with a delay hidden in there, presets and all …

… still, quite a stretch, tho.

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The faders are cool and all, but… I kind of wonder what these Automatone series pedals would cost with a more traditional interface/enclosure. My gut says, considerably less. CBA/Meris do MIDI; faders are easy to add to any of them, if you want.

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Yep. There’s gotta be some kind of mechanical engine in there that’s probably well protected to work on the road. Doesn’t sound cheap, compared to just doing presents without the moving faders.

And yet, I like it :slight_smile:

I have been waiting patiently for some demo’s of this one, but when I listened to the Knobs demo earlier, it didn’t do much for me. I dig the automatone format that chase bliss is doing, and part of it is because I feel some of his standard size pedals are a bit cramped. I will have to listen again, maybe it just wasn’t in me today. I do love the old style reverb algorithms, but the Oto Bam is more my flavor. I will have to keep an eye out for more demo’s of this one though.

Yep, I’m deep into Chase Bliss now, but this one’s not for me, I feel.

I wouldn’t mind a Blooper in this format. That thing’s basically like a magic tape recorder (you hear that, Teenage Engineering?). A Blooper with just more hands on control would be the dream.


For sure, I love my blooper, and I have been hoping they do one in this format. It would be great to be able to hit a volume button, and then all the faders control the volume for different layers of loops, and be able to record the fader movements. And then be able to do the same with the modifiers. And stereo. Here’s to hoping.

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That combination of features - especially the motorized faders

ne pas bon marche, je pense


Oh! Motorized faders, for real ?

Bien sur! This video shows the faders moving

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Holy cow. I just love motorized faders.
Best control there is: adaptive to current value + no need for a screen to check the value!
Plus I’m such a Reverb addict.
Besides I was actually BORN in 1978!

But 899€, come on!

I so don’t need it. I don’t, do I?


I’m right there with you. Don’t need this thing either but… oooh motorized faders… :rofl:

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Right, people. Let’s define need. Or we’ll never be able to move on, will we? :blush:


This is definitely in the category of “would be lovely to have if I was independently wealthy and needed something to go with my new Prophet 5”…


Will buy …if it sounds better than Specular Tempus, Zoia and Space.

I was really looking forward to this. Love the idea of the faders, love Meris, love CB. But dammmmn, that’s pricey.

That’s a used OT MK2 :flushed:

The Automate drive looked interesting (I play guitar), but that’s pretty pricey too, this ones a step too far I feel. Sure it will sell, just out of my price range for a fx pedal. Maybe it does more than I think, will wait for more videos to come out as wasn’t blown away by Knobs one (and I normally really like his videos).


I really don’t quite understand who this is meant for though. If you are a professional studio, you have either rackmount reverbs or high quality plug-ins like Universal Audio. If you are a gigging musician, you probably want something more rugged and maybe less valuable. For the bedroom producer, there are dozens of competing devices that are significantly cheaper.

I get that it basically puts all of the “dream pedal” list items into a real pedal, but I don’t know if there will be enough people that are willing and able to part with the required investment. Most pedal companies have already pushed up pricing for nice pedals to the $400-500 range.

If I’m looking at spending $1000, I’m looking at instruments, not single effects. I am sure people who do get one will really enjoy it though!


Fair points.

If you’re managing a pro studio, you might be more into a true high-end effects unit that cost loads more, like Eventide’s H9000 that’ll set ya back a cool $7000.


Chase Bliss and Meris are both very much about character. If you’re into that sound of dust and nostalgia, options quickly narrow and that sound, with all these features, then makes more sense.