Chat between artists (TALKS video)

Hi guys,
I’m delighted to introduce the new web series TALKS :anger_right:
Explore the passions, memories and founding elements of an artist’s life to better experience his work.

For the first episode I met Daniel Nolan aka Flint Kids during his passage in the South of France a few weeks ago, for his live show at festival in Toulouse. I took my camera and filmed some footage. It was great. I invited him to my studio in Montpellier, we sat comfortably on the sofa and we talked about everything, music obviously, technologies, the current electronic scene, golf, snakes… the past and the future. The whole thing was enhanced by an excellent whiskey, thanks to Daniel.

If you like this, share it and subscribe to my channel youtube for the forthcoming episodes :alien:

Syl Kougaï TALKS with Flint Kids