Chicago Elektron User Meet #2?

Hey everyone,

It’s been a little over a year since I organized the last
Chicago Elektron Playdate and I was thinking if there is enough interest it may be time to do it all again!

I’m thinking of hosting the event sometime in April.
This time in a bigger space!
My apt was fun but I think we maxed it out last time.

Please respond if interested and a little bit about what you would like to get out of a user meet? i.e. (meet other electron users,Jam, Presentations?/small sets and discussions? ETC…)


Hey Matt,

I would be interested.
Main point would be to meet the Elektron community and chat with other artists.

An Elektron Battles (like MPC battles) would be also fun :smiley:


Awesome thanks David!
There’s one!
Where are the rest of my Chicagoan/Midwestern Elektronerds?
I like the idea of a small throw down/Battle.

Anyone else have any cool ideas for a meet(even if you can’t attend this one)

What’s up Chicago?
Elektron User Meet? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I will come up from Indianapolis!

Definitely interested. From the Crystal Lake area. Just took ownership of my first Elektron boxes (RYTM and Octa), so I’m just getting familiar with the gear. Be great if I could watch and learn.


Looks like there is enough interest to make this happen.

I’m looking at meeting on a Saturday in May something like 3pm-6pm?

Please respond with a preference on the following dates:


Can’t wait!!!

I have no preference, can do any of the 3 dates. Looking forward to it!

Also, I noticed a few more Chicago area users calling out on the forum in the how old are you and where are you from? thread. Might be worth messaging them individually to gauge some interest?

I’m in Chicago. Saturdays don’t really work for me, though. If it’s on a Sunday or something that would be awesome. I’m curious to see how things go even if I can’t make it.

Ma-chew! Whenever is the best for you :wink:

i’ll come up from st. louis if the date works out

Sorry for the delayed response guys!

I’m very excited to inform all of you that I have arranged for Elektron to stop by my shop on their Overbridge tour!

Devon from Elektron will be at Nerd Audio from 5-7pm on wednesday June 17th. He will be giving a short presentation on Overbridge and will have all the black Elektron boxes with him.

Those of you with your own boxes feel free to bring them with you.
We will treat the rest of the event as a “meet” so it would be great to have your own gear with projects/patches to share and exchange tips and tricks.

I hope some of you will be able to attend.

Elektron Overbridge Event
5-7pm Wed. June 17.
Nerd Audio/midwest stereo
1613 w. Belmont ave.