Chord Machine sounds dull

Just as an example

Wave = 74
Type = min (or try madd9)
Bal = 80+ (120+ obviously get’s you bright results because of higher notes in the chord)
FENV = 127
OVER = 8

That’s pretty bright. Just have to use the higher balance settings to get those high frequency notes in the chord. Now to add more brightness on top of that use the multimode filter in EQ1 or EQ2 mode and boost the higher frequency range. Additonally you can use the base of the b/w filter to carve a bit of the low range to lower the “warmth”.

In any case I actually like the ‘moodyness’ of the chord machine. :slight_smile:


It’s like a LoFi chord generator without the classic LoFi arpeggiation that I described on the feature request thread.

I think since it’s a “monophonic” polyphonic chord, it could be interesting if they treated the tone production like a sample instead of like a sound being manipulated.

It’s easy to justify something because you like it. It’s harder to accept that critics often want the best for whatever they’re criticizing, want it to succeed and hopefully grow.

i think it’s great for dub techno music or for anything that can use short low-end stabs covered in delay/reverb. i’ve been enjoying layering a longer chord with more low end and then having a short chord of the same type with more high end occurring less frequently to add some “shimmer”. also throwing on the fx track for a bit more movement heh…

i like how it’s possible to modulate the inversions with the LFOs, helps add some variation if that is what you need for the pattern at hand


For me the thing is, the way it is presented and the demos would make me think it’s not at all for me.

It’s just a bit weird for the vanity to use a chip tune machine for the biggest and baddest sounds.

From a sound design standpoint, it makes more sense to start with sounds rich in overtones, then filter them down as necessary. I bet this is something Elektron can fix in future updates.

This post by @ess only twelve days ago suggests reasons why this might not be so straightforward.


Old school additive synthesis only used sine waves to add harmonics. I’ve not dug deep, but I have read people mention both “wavetables” and “additive” when discussing the Chord machine. If it’s pure sine waves, then the brightness will be limited by processor power and interface real-estate. If it’s wavetables or SCWFs as the oscillator sources for the addictive process, I guess there’s a chance Elektron can add noisier waveforms.

(I don’t own an ST. I’m just wasting time when I should be working and day-dreaming a bit)

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(as ever, Ess says it better than me)

I’d love lo-fi, aliasing, additive-based saw waves in the Chord Machine. I’d also really love aliasing supersaws.

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I quite like the chord machine for what it is, especially if you tweak it and feed it into the analog low pass filter.

Btw, i just listened to the analog preset sound, Tonitone. It blew my mind :exploding_head:

The manual says “wavetable”, not “additive”.

Edit: Okay, I was wrong. It’s a wavetable of additive synthesis waveforms :stuck_out_tongue:

So what we need is a second set of wavetables, which could be accessible through the track’s Setup page.


It’s a wavetable created using additive synthesis. Read @Ess’s post, it’s quite informative if you want to know more about the Chord machine.

I love it, by the way. In my view it’s a unique way of adding some harmony to my songs.

Couldn’t find the actual post of @Ess I was referring to, but here’s one instance where he talks about it. I might find the more comprehensive post later.


If that’s true, then we’d still ‘just’ need a second set of wavetables, and it’s up to the dear people at Elektron to either use additive synthesis again to create the wavetable or something different right away :wink:

Imagine having an actual saw, and with the Unison × 4 we could have supersaw just like that!

I’d really love to hear some experimental stuff in there.


Poor little chord machine. Everbody’s hating on it. :frowning: I like it for what it is. A nice little chord machine. Nothing more.


I also like it, but it could use some more ”sawy” waveforms with some more bite

Seems weird that there is no SAW.
Saw stupid ?
Internal and external midi 4 notes ability of course…(enter chords)
They can.

I do really enjoy playing with it! I just can’t find a place for it in my music. I wish I could.

So I was watching this monomachine video. So the syntakt chord machine possibly comes from the monomachine then? Start at like 18:30 and listen. The chords there sound like syntakt stuff.

It sounds like a chord machine, but I don’t hear the M:C / ST chords in it. Reminds me more of the chord oscillator of the MicroFreak.

MnM has saw in this machine…

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