Chord Machine sounds dull

Oh the irony :joy:

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Pulled the trigger on ST. Looking forward to Chord. It can’t be that bad. When you have analog fx. To me, ST looks like a very capable canvas that can be whatever you want it to be. Sky is the limit here.

As for poly argument. For that, I have Juno-6, JX3P, Akai AX60, and DSI. So yeah. I think it is actually a very cool thing that it has mono… with delay and some reverb this will get very interesting in no time. I am very happy everything aligned and I could afford it. :slight_smile: <3. Elektron could refresh their marketing dep. though. Look what this guy can do with your machines -> Dataline Live @ Supynes 2017 - YouTube + Dataline (LIVE) / January 7 / 4pm-5pm - YouTube.


Chord Machine definitely can’t even get close to making some of the same basic types of poly sounds these synths can make. It has its own “dullish” sound that sounds more distorted when applying overdrive from the analog FX section or less dull when adding some more higher frequency content with the analog filters.


That’s awesome. I don’t expect it to be a fully fledged poly so fine by me. I am very sure Chord will be good addition to my pallete. Sweet spots. If it will be even remotely useful like similar stuff in modular I am sure it will get used. :slight_smile:.



Only Reverb and Delay effect used.

Overdrive FX on sy chord bassdrum and “lead”. It’s meh, but we can share our fails :wink:
[originally i wanted to have the “lead” play in minor seconds so it would sound a bit like that famous Euromasters sound. But it just sounded too bad. So it’s good old minor chord.]

Edit, one more drumsy, actually not bad:



Well me and the kids are dancing


Unless you’re 100% in love with all the machines, Syntakt seems to work best as accompaniment with other gear. Perhaps its hats from a 909 or sampler, or true poly chords from a Nord or Novation.

A bit ironic, isn’t it, that Syntakt, the Digi-sized box with the most audio tracks and most voices is the one that often feels the most limited in terms of sonic exploration?
Digitone with its mere 4 tracks but 8 voices of deep synthesis, true poly capability, etc. somehow feels less limiting
Digitakt has the world of sampling ready to go. Resampling is a well that will never go dry.

So I’ve settled on using my Syntakt to:

  • sequence my Nord Lead 3R (sorry OT, I need that one handed fill!),
  • add some FX and analog beef to my TR6S via the analog fx block drive and EG,
  • bring in a few extra ST bits that really fill out a track with the new snare machine, clap machine, and the 3xDVCOs.

I still have a few “Syntakt only” tracks I’ve made on it that I need to record and finish. And these do use the chord machine quite a bit. But I’ll probably add some NL3R chords blended in to give it a little more edge before they’re all said and done.


Oh boy. I am in love with my beauties. I know they won’t go with me to my grave but before that is happening I will be playing them for sure. The trio alone is what I call a pinnacle of the 80’s sound. Suitable for making music with just freedom, drifting through these landscapes you can make with that and couple delays/samplers in a signal path. It can get really complex when you layer them at different step lenght, rate… run it through 12-18 delays in series. My favorite sound lately.

Character… in VST I haven’t found that. In ACB not really. Out of them all AX60 is the most beefy.

With Syntakt. I get it yeah. Sometimes expectations ruin everything. Settling is a word I do not have in my dictionary. I kind of see the potential and it will have its own usable character. The analog filters sound nice. I have a lot of filters really. Drain for money that is. Enjoyable one.

For drums it will be killer solely. Running drums through tape/76/drive/filters gives it breath. Here all on board. I think. Experience may vary really. I have done my best tracks years ago when I had nothing just couple synths and passion to experiment. Syntakt is basically that experience in one box. With couple minor flaws. Updates can boost it in time I hope. At least some of the potential that is lacking.


100%. I love the Syntakt’s drums, but its synth capabilities are woefully inadequate compared to my Peak, Take5, Pro 3, even my Microfreak. Which is understandable - I don’t expect it to be better than a dedicated synth at synth stuff.

Currently I’m using the ST as a primary drum machine for glitchy/ fast stuff, and might explore sequencing samples on my MPC with it at some point (which, yeah, might lead to a Digitakt in my future). Then I’m playing the other synths by hand or sequencing them from my MPC.


When/if they add polyphony this whole discussion will be pointless!


Yeah. Our opinions have been voiced. It’s not just wishful thinking. I believe these suggestions will be worked upon since Elektron wants to be on the top of their game.


Mono has two types of chord machines, a wavetable one and a VA one. The wavetable one is probably the one being used in Ricky Tinez’s video.

Everybody wants to think Syntakt is a best-of love letter to all of Elektron’s devices, but it’s Rytm + M:C, possibly with new unique DSP code for SY TOY. It could easily just be yet another configuration of a slightly modified M:C engine, however. Not that hard to add PWM to an oscillator. Also not a sin, I still think Syntakt was a clever move.

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Whoops I should shut up in this thread, make a new one and scream KARPLUS AND RESONATORS (what i actually wish for) :stuck_out_tongue:


It’s doable. Two engines basically.

2 X chord machine.


Sounds dull, I like it.

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One thing I love with this machine is how it can both do dirt and clean on two separate tracks. This AFX track is a smart addition. Skippping it makes interesting contrasts, I found.

As for the SY CHORD machine, this thread turning into “your SY CHORD only tracks” should push experimentation to fun territories :wink:


I’d love poly/stack settings à la Digitone.
Using a RK002 midi processor was my priority for first tests, and I used Chord with Unison. I like this machine even if it lacks my favorite waveform: SAW ! :pl:

Sounds weird sometimes because of lfo set to Balance (detune).


It’s here. :-). :-).


Chord machine :heart_eyes: