Circuitghost - new *free** EP - All That Dust

Hey all,

I got a new EP for you. It’s free, you don’t have to and nor do I expect you, to pay a dime -

I’ve experimented some lately, to find a more haunting sound. I didn’t find it, but something came out of it that stuck with me. Loops, clips and others. Together, they gravitated towards each other and this music emerged.

This is all one live take, from the 1010 blackbox. I used only one patch, so it has only sixteen samples in total that I just use in different ways to get a coherent performance out of this. It was painful but still something I don’t regret doing. If that makes sense.

I hope you enjoy it and if you do, let me know :slight_smile:


Love it. The drone that plays throughout is gorgeous. This reminds me of Gas. My only criticism, if I may offer one, is I wish there was no shaker or it was lower in the mix. I’d at least love to hear what it sounds like without it.

Either way, great work, this is good stuff.

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Excellent work. Very optimistic-sounding. It invokes the same sort of mood I got from Bill Nelson’s electronic instrumentals from the 1980s. A nice way to start the day.

Excited to listen to this - your approach/rig is an absolute inspiration. (Also excited for you to break down the gear/workflow on this one!)

@ddiamond84 thank you so much for saying. You know, I’ve been thinking of doing a bare minimum remix of this, the shaker you mention is actually a resampled drum loop that I just pitched up and down through modulation and ran through a Mood pedal. I was on the fence about that one and did play it down, it was a downright mess at some point. But now I feel inspired to do a B-side take of this, haha :slight_smile: might even skip the field recordings and just do a loop and minimum drum-version of it.

@Scot_Solida whoa, that is quite the compliment. I so appreciate it. You’ve made my week.

@joeykaram you know, I figured I’d do just that, I’ve received a few requests on that one, so I’ll post in this thread how I went about writing this music. This one’s a bit different, since I used only one patch throughout the entire recording, which limited me to sixteen samples in total. Let’s just say that I pushed and pulled all blackbox angles I could find to get the most out of this one.


Great stuff. Will add this to the playlist with your 3 other EPs I have.

I LOVE listening to these on a dog walk with my earbuds set to “Ambient sounds”, so I get all the birds and trees adding to the ambients. It’s like a new immersive exsperiance every time :black_heart:


thanks for sharing with us :slight_smile:

once i have a chance to listen i’ll give some feedback

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This is very atmospheric and has a cool flow. Listening while solving the daily wordle and crossword, and I feel like the music is stimulating my brain to do better.

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Great work as always @circuitghost! Beautiful front to back. I really liked the part that came in around the 12-minute mark. It felt like an epilogue to the story.

And I like the shaker, felt like it was good choice leaving it in as it kept driving the story forward.

Definitely helping to clear my head this morning.

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Didn’t listen a second at all, but I already like it <3


Thanks, that’s lovely to hear that it’s part of your ambience - that’s like a super LFO, nature’s sounds blended with the track :smiley:


Thank you, yeah that’s me by the piano. One of the experiments I did was to write something with just a piano and process it through various stuff and build a track out of that only, but it just got weird, not good. But that improvisation survived and made it all the way here :slight_smile: really glad you like it, thanks for listening :slight_smile:

@DJSpaceP I’m very glad to hear that, I hope the puzzling goes well and thank you for listening :slight_smile:


Would be amazing - you are the best. Thanks!

(EP sounds fantastic, btw)

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Very nice. reminds me a little of some of the Giegling stuff, Traumprinz, Kettenkarussel, Leafar Legov.


This is a great listen. I really like the tone you struck — made me think of King of Limbs era Radiohead, very hypnotic and beautiful but also kind of disorienting and tense at times.

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Thank you :slight_smile: that’s very nice of you to say :slight_smile: haven’t heard of all of those, so I got some googling to do now.

Dear lord that’s flattering. I am humbled by this. Thank you :pray:

loads of good stuff on this channel


Thank you :slight_smile: great stuff, I’ll check it out for sure.

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Here ya go - :slight_smile: