Cirklon V2

Gosh darnit, now you’ve got me listening to Haibach’s demo of La Bestia II and lusting for it…

on top of growing interest in the topical product.


@chiasticon, is it the 4x4 or eurorack?

La Bestia and Edelweiss panels. bananas baby :metal:


I went through the Pyramid manual to double check this, I assume you’re talking about the midi effects in chapter 6? The Cirklon can do most (but not all) of them (Pyramid effect on the left, Cirklon way to do it in brackets):

Quantizer / Humanizer (use quantizer track control or randomise aux event on delay)
Arpeggiator (Use P3 arpeg mode, not as fully featured as the Pyramid arpeggiator however)
Harmonizer (use aux note event)
Swing (use swing, Pyramid has velocity swing though which Cirklon doesn’t have)
Randomizer (use any of the randomise aux events)
Delay (use the repeat aux event)
Equalizer (can’t do this on the Cirklon automatically)
Scale (use Cirklon Force To Scale)
Note to CC (Cirklon doesn’t have this)
BPM (use BPM aux event)
Chance (use randomise aux event)
LFO (use accumulator aux event)


I took the time this weekend to watch splitradix’ videos, and I must agree that it’s ace and precise, there is just so much to say.
I hereby declare I didn’t know what I was talking about, and this guy knows what he’s doing.
I even understand now the commenter that regrets that the videos are too short: it’s a pleasure to discover so many things about the Cirklon!!


This !

Our main concern is to find time to learn and discover our beloved gear. Mainly when they are complex and deep.
Such learning pauses are welcome in our life. Because runing about new gear is not sustainable. Taking time is better for us, that’s the first great lesson i learned since i begin modular, this year.


The best thing about the Cirklon is Colin and the amount of time Colin puts into the firmware. I’ve had my Cirklon for 4 years and use it almost daily and still discover things about it!


Unlike Elektron sequencers, the Cirklon does have the concept of a “bar” so that a pattern could have, for example:

  • 4 bars of 15 steps
  • 2 bars of 16 steps and one bar of 10 steps

and each track has its own pattern so that each track can have its own track length and bar structure.


Ive got a Cirklon on the way. Barbara has confirmed only 8 months to go. hehe. :slight_smile:


Thanks for clarifying this.

Here’s a message from Barbara on Sequentix’s forum:

Hi Everyone

Just a quick update.

We have reached 27th October 2017 on the waiting list.

We are expecting more parts to arrive sometime in August, so I will be able to email the next people on the list then.



Barbara Fraser
Sequentix GmbH


I also received a nice message. Signed up in 2019, and was told perhaps middle of 2022. Hope I can actually afford it by then…


The current progress is ~six months of waiting list processed in the last ~11 months.


Have been interested in it for some time. But going on such a huge waiting list is putting me off a bit. Wish they scaled up production just a little bit :grimacing:

Availability of parts is a real pain currently. Stuff, that I use for my microcontroller projects all the time(Chips, Displays), and were available everywhere over the internet (amazon, eBay, etc) are sold out since months.

I got told, that I should not hope for mine before second half of 2022. I registered end of Q3 2020.


Well, Elektron has an opportunity here. They know how to make great sequencers. Just add more connections.

Off topic

Right! If Elektron made a pure sequencer box with plenty of midi, CV, and gates, they’d clean up.

Back on topic:

@DaveMech I reckon it’s worth sticking your name down on the list seeing as you can just say no if your turn arrives and you’re no longer interested. Or sell it on for slightly more.


There is sooo much stuff in the cirklon, that is not Elektron, that I would bet, a Elektron Sequencer-Only device, would still be no real alternative.

Off topic (It's really cool to do this 'detail' thing)

@Uija, they wouldn’t have to make another Cirklon to be an alternative.

I agree with @craig, @DaveMech. Maybe when your turn arrives it will be the V3 already.


It’s worth it :slight_smile: