Cirklon V2

Im budgeting £1750 for it. It may be less but im playing safe.

Totally disagree. It took me some times to realize, but I know that I’ll probably never use an Elektron sequencer. On the other hand, the Cirklon has pretty much everything that the Elektrons lack, for my workflow/music style.

Just got an email a few weeks back from Sequentix, I joined the wait list back in late 2018. No guarantees, but I might be up towards the end of this year. At which point, I’m buying a cirk, LOL

There’s really no sense not being on the waiting list, if you are interested. It will literally be YEARS before your turn comes.


That’s good news! I was added January 2019…

I’m considering buying an iconnectivity mioxm or xl, but wonder if should better wait for the cirklon 2.

What I don’t get from the manual or the website, is if the USB host port takes multiple USB devices thru a USB hub. If has only 1 host port itself, but the manual talks about 16 ports on ‘a’ USB device.

Anyone who can clarify? If the hub thing works, I could even get rid of my a880 as so many machines have USB midi nowadays and the cirklon has 5 in and outs…

That’s what I completely miss in the numerous pyramid/cirklon debates: the one midi in only… It’s a real pita…


From the manual:

Cirklon 2 adds a USB host port, which may be used for the connection of a class-compliant USB-MIDI interface withup to 16 additional MIDI input and output ports

there are 6 ports assigned to the USB device port, which acts as a class-compliant USB MIDI interface, when connected to a suitable host. These are labelled “usb1” to “usb6”.

For Cirklon 2, there are further rows for up to 16 MIDI ports on a class-compliant USB MIDI interface, attached to the USB host port. These are labelled “hst1” to “hst16”. Note that only the number of ports supported by the attached device will be active.

From Colin Fraser on the Sequentix forum:

There is no hub support [for the host port] in the CPU maker’s software library.

There are third-party implementations of hub support which I’ll look at when I get some breathing room.


yeah Colin posted a video of him booking it up to and powering a Miditech Midiface (I think). which is 16x16 midi ports over one USB cable. note that sending midi via the USB bus means you can send to each of these ports all at once, instead of serially like if you were using a midi thru box.


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That is not completely true. MIDI and USB are serial protocols. Both interfaces send data after another, it will never happen, that more than one MIDI command reaches its destination at the same time. It starts that the cirklons processor needs to execute one midi command at a time, making them sent serial. every USB to MIDI Port device has another CPU, that reads one MIDI command at a time from USB and sends it to it destinated MIDI Port. so while it might be faster to use USB just because usb is faster than MIDI, it always will have different latency to the different destinations.

We’d need to know how the sending buffers are implemented to know if this is true. Every serial port (which MIDI ports are) will usually have some kind of buffer (UART) that handles the sending of data. An implementation where all the buffers are filled with data to send via a higher-speed internal bus and the send it out at the same time because they’re all operating off of a common clock signal is entirely reasonable. So, yes, it’s likely that a device-direct DIN port and one connected over USB will have different latencies, it’s not necessarily true that the different ports on a USB device will have different latencies. It’s also not necessarily true that any of these latencies will be in the range of human perception. Testing required.

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Even with buffers, data transport is serial. Thats part of the USB name btw. So even with buffers, the data itself is transported one after another over the wire. Sure, we are talking USB speed, but still, first Midi command will reach its destination before the second one etc.
True, we might be outside of human perception, that’s why I started my post with “this is not COMPLETELY true”, but the info, that with USB Midi transport is not serial anymore is technically wrong. And as soon as you put more technology in-between (USB to MIDI interface) no-one knows, how the latency might be, as everyone implements it differently (starts with how the CPU of the Device is clocked), how the mapping of channels is done. Maybe there are some more buffers etc.

Yes, the transport is serial . That doesn’t mean that delivery can’t be synchronous via a demultiplexer to within whatever the granularity of the device’s clock is.

my understanding is that all midi data occurring at a given time can be sent from the Cirklon in a single packet. it’s true that the device may not handle it in the same way that the Cirklon does though, so perhaps “all at once” was over-stating it. the point was it’s not the same as using a midi thru box or daisy-chaining devices.

I believe Colin measured this delay down to a few microseconds in the above setup I described.

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Hey Cirklon owners or knowers… I’m having a tough time discerning if the instrument definitions are bidirectional. Like if I have a Little Phatty defined on a Cirklon and sweep the filter cutoff in a pattern on the Little Phatty itself (using its knob I mean) will the Cirklon record that automation?

I know it seems like the answer should be, “of course you idiot, read the manual,” but I had a hard time finding any demonstrations of this. It seems like people are usually making all these automations on the Cirklon itself.

I guess I’m thinking if you can’t jam out your parts into it it would lose some of its luster.

@PeterHanes, @RiK, any ideas?


in short: yes.

you’ll want to check this part of the manual:


Instrument definitions are not “bidirectional”.

To record Note or CC messages from an external synth you need to ensure that the synth’s MIDI Out port is connected to a MIDI In port on the Cirklon, and set “record enable” for the applicable MIDI In port in the Cirklon’s Port Configuration page (chapter 7 of the manual).


I made this post a million years ago and Barbara is still saying I should expect mine in early 2022. That will make 4 years on the waiting list. Even if it’s not worth it, the wait is so long that I could sell it and easily make 100% profit… I’ll wait!


I was November 2017 I think… mine is supposed to show up on Monday!


How’s the pattern direction in that? I have a bunch of miles on my squapr, so I don’t think I’ll be getting rid of it anytime soon. What is a good sequencer that can compete beside the cirk and squapr?

Ableton with e-rm/ usamo midiclock. :wink:


but everything is so tightly sinked already

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Have they setup a system yet where if you die from old age while waiting, your kids get your spot on the email list?