Cirklon V2


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Just searched for my confirmation email that I was on the waiting list. May, 2019. I seem to recall the confirmation came quite awhile after I made the request. At this point it’s more funny than frustrating. At the time I figured I’d get a Pyramid for the interim, but for some reason I’ve never been able to pull the trigger. Something gives me pause on the Pyramid. Then the Oxi One comes along and shows cool possibilities, but I have no idea when I can get one of those either! Maybe I’m meant to just wait around on sequencers as opposed to having them :slight_smile:
For now I still have my OT, so I can’t feel too sorry for myself


Apparently Bruce Willis is in litigation with them over this. We shall see.


Watching that long ass YouTube video on aux events. Hurting my tiny brain, but the craziest amount of power. I knew aux events were cool, but I didn’t know they were this cool


I watched quite a bit of those Splitradix videos. Shouldnt’ have. Now I’m on the list and Elektron sequencers look like children’s toys.


The menus seem very logical and I think once you get your head around the workflow, it’s pretty intuitive. I’m seriously thinking about getting a used Cirklon and using it first with the Kodamo + Octatrack but also with different multitimbral ROMplers, cheap sound modules, even some effect units with midi control, cheap drum machines…etc. It sounds really fun.


Site is offline :frowning:


I’ve been on the list since mid 2018, i got an update from Barbara in june 2021 saying it might be end of 2021 or start of 2022.

No clue how I’m going to pay for it :crazy_face:


For Cirklon 1 owners interested in upgrading their unit to a v2, there is a new OS 1.20f available that includes a unique code required get on waiting list for an upgrade:


I’ve been on the list since mid 2018, i got an update from Barbara in june 2021 saying it might be end of 2021 or start of 2022.

Thanks for being so specific because it helps me to understand where I might be on that list.

I’ve been on it since 2019 and was told last year I might be able to buy a Cirklon in 2022. Based on what you’re saying, it sounds as though I’ll see mine in late 2023.

No clue how I’m going to pay for it :crazy_face:

What worries me is the effect of the pandemic/supply-chain hell/inflation on pricing and how it might affect the cost of a Cirklon once I’m finally able to buy one.

I won’t blame Sequentrix for any potential increase, though, since the costs of parts, materials and production are not determined by Colin or Barbara.

I figured I’d get a Pyramid for the interim, but for some reason I’ve never been able to pull the trigger. . . . Maybe I’m meant to just wait around on sequencers as opposed to having them :slight_smile:

I finally preordered (<oxymoron) a Dirtywave M8, and it’s possible that device will slake my thirst for an Octatrack. But as wallet-yanking as some desktop sequencers have seemed, none has looked as useful as the Cirklon. I nearly bought a Medusa (a hybrid sequencer/synth, obviously), but haven’t lusted after the other grid sequencers I’ve researched so far. Some are tempting to a point.

Also, a soundtrack composer I know in L.A. does nothing but insist that I get a Cirklon for those days when I want to escape my DAWs. He uses his Cirklon for films and absolutely loves it. He uses a DAW setup mainly, though, so I’ll have to ask which films!

(Edit: Deleted TMI, since not everyone wants to be scrutinized in public.)

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wow does he sequence all the film scores with cirklon and hardware synth and orchestral VSTs? I wonder how he manage syncing cirklon with DAW etc.

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I think he does some of his work with the Cirklon and most of it with his usual DAW setup. He likes to escape his normal setup with Eurorack and the Cirklon.

That’s why I have to ask which films featured the Cirklon/Eurorack setup and not just look him up on IMDB and assume he used it.

(Deleted details about someone else who might not want to be my recognizable topic.)

I’ve read posts by users that suggest it’s easy to sync a Cirklon with a DAW if you need to (esp. if you’ve got something like the Multiclock, I would imagine).

Somewhere around 3-ish years seems to be the timescale looking at other threads etc.
There are prices on the site, I haven’t noticed them changing but yeah totally with the state of things just now, nothing would surprise me especially in a year from now.

I can see me selling my Octatrack in the near future!!

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I’d say you’re at least two years away from delivery at the current rate. The waiting list has only moved 7,5 months in the last 17 months.


I bet the dev gets burnout or something else happens before those two years :sweat_smile:

I think the firmwares steady now. Just building the things.

I was on the list from May 10th 2017 and i received the order email on Sept 5th 2020. I think you have very correct time line.

I got my confirmation email May 29, 2019. Have no idea what that could mean :slight_smile:

that may mean that you have two more years to go…