Cirklon V2

Ha, yeah they’re definitely not an impulse buy!


I know they took a winter break and moved their shop. so that could be part of that gap. I think they’re on September of 2018 now. when did you get on the list?

October 2017, which is actually 5 years not 4. WTFfffffffff

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I read from a lot of people, that they found the mail from sequentix in their spam folder. Maybe the original mail want sent but not recognised by you? Would also explain why „they don’t reply“.
I wrote them two times in the lad 2 years and received a answer within a week.

When did you put your name on the list if I may ask?

Don’t know exactly, but I think it will be 2024 when I get my email

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I agree it probably went to your spam and you deleted it. You should only be replying to the original email confirmation you received to prevent the possibility of it getting sent to spam. I was got on the list in May 2017 and I’ve had my Cirklon 2 since November 2020.

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yeah there was actually a period where all email from them to gmail addresses was being filtered by Google. Colin even posted about it that “If you have a Gmail address please be aware that Google don’t think you should have a Cirklon.” I think they’ve resolved that issue though (and it was early 2022, well past when @JamesM should’ve been contacted I believe). I’ve contacted them via gmail since then anyway.

I imagine if you contact them about this, they’ll find a way to work you into the list again. if you feel like you’re not getting replies, try private messaging Barbara on their forum.

The original confirmation from them didn’t go to spam, I’m assuming, as it’s still in my normal inbox.

Maybe I’m destined to save €1700, or get a Hapax? So long as the screen is bigger than my Pyramid, I’ll be happy.

Get in touch with them as you should have had the unit ages ago. You never know they might see a mistake and offer you one on the spot

I am quite sure that spam detection algorithms changed a little bit over time.
But it’s not, that I want to convince you about anything, just trying to help figure out, why you might have a way worse experience, than everybody else.


What is a good used marekt price for a V2 at the moment (with CVIO option)?

Unfortunately, ‘good’ is going to be entirely subjective and not sure it even applies. It really just a matter of what you can stomach paying for one. For me, it would +/- 10-15% of what a new one sells for, considering it’s used, and the device is still being made, but sadly that’s nowhere in the realm of possibility.

They currently sell for 50-75% above retail depending on age/use/condition and in some cases 100% or more. I’ve never seen one sell for even MSRP used – if one did it was a complete unicorn and probably sold in seconds. Sadly, that’s just the reality due to the four-year waiting list and overall demand.


Signed up October 24, 2018 and no word here yet.

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They are at late September 2018 currently, as far as I know.

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Barbara said last Wednesday all the Sept 2018 emails have now gone out so you will be next :slight_smile:

Will be interesting to see how many weeks for your email to see how fast they are getting through the months


For sure! I can post here when I get the email.

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Guessed so. Put my name on the list April 2021.
So still room to breathe.
I am not in a hurry and am willing to wait 48 months or more.
Just have an offer for a V2 with CVIO and was thinking about it.

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We’re in the same boat. I’m Jan 2021, so not that much sooner. :joy:

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Can’t be long now!

Took about 3 weeks from ordering to actually receiving it.