Cirklon V2


I’ve been on the waiting list for a few years and think that I may well get an email this year regarding it being my turn.

Currently I use the Squarp Pyramid for sequencing duties which works well for my setup. My gear is all linked via MIDI but I like to send CV from the Pyramid to modulate things on some of my analogue gear that can be sequenced via midi but hasn’t got MIDI CC stuff going on.

With this in mind I was thinking about getting the CVIO option when my time comes. With this option, I would like to be able to modulate my synths via CV and sequence them via MIDI as I do with the Pyramid. Is this possible with the Cirklon?

Thanks for any pointers.


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this is my workflow as well, I do all my arrangement on the cirklon this way.


Any one here have any good tips with controlling their DAW with the Cirklon?

Right now I have all my midi going through the daw via USB, and then the DAW forwards that midi either to soft synths or hardware synths via Overbridge or midi. I’m running it to weird clock jitter and latency issues.

Using Cirklon v1, Mac M1, Bitwig 4.4.8, and an ultralite mk5

Yeah, I really should do that more for early planning of a track in Ableton.

Once the MIDI ends up in Session mode I end up not sketching but pre-emptively optimizing the notes…

Quick question for CVIO owners, I’m looking to have CVIO control my Buchla easel. Do I just need to buy the CVIO bus cable and the desktop breakout box ?

You need the CVIO upgrade board as well if you don’t already have it.

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I have that board on my model that I ordered. Now I just need to know what else to buy for my setup

this is correct :point_up_2:

FYI I think the Eurorack BOB is cheaper than the desktop or rack units. and it doesn’t need power. so if you have a spare euro case, even unpowered, or can build a small box, you can save a few bucks. I put mine in an unpowered Doepfer “low cost” case. it’s tucked away behind the synths it needs to reach and not visible so I don’t care if it’s pretty or not.

also for Buchla, I assume you know you’ll need a format jumbler to get bananas. some have made banana BOB’s but that’s definitely a DIY thing.

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I don’t have any cases. I will just have an easel. Let me look for a formant jumbler then. Thank you

eh, looks like it’s not all that much savings anyway, especially if you have to buy a case. in my situation, I got the euro CVIO with my used Cirklon and had to make it work.

low-gain is a great source for format jumblers. but there’s definitely more options. pretty easy to DIY too.


Thanks for the recommendation. You’re gonna probably laugh at me but I looked at the back of my Hapax and never noticed the CV connections. So I think before I get the Cirklon upgrades I will buy the format jumbler and use the hapax to see if I really like using CV control over midi on the Easel. I know Hapax and Cirklon are two different sequencing workflows but this is my first dive into CV.

Are there any good reading resources you recommend for understanding CV ?

no laughs! use what you have and understand already to learn something you don’t yet! once you understand CV though, and learn the Cirklon, you’ll probably want to use that. if only because using multiple sequencers at once can get frustrating!

there’s not a ton to CV really, and lots of great info out there. if you’re using the Cirklon or Hapax to sequence a specific parameter, just think of it like parameter locks or midi CC sequencing. you set up a sequence of values to set that parameter to and the sequencer does it. some synths and parameters have their own voltage range, but that’s pretty easy to look up and set a scale for within Cirklon when you create an instrument definition. I think the Easel CV’s are 0-10V.

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Thanks for the advice. I ordered the format jumbler and all the necessary CVIO analogue out cable and breakout boxes. I will be ready to write some interesting sequences.

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hooray! enjoy!

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So a few people who ordered the same time as myself (here and a few other forums) received their order last September and October.
I can’t even get an email response from Sequentix, simply asking if my order was lost. I have the original acknowledgment email from them almost 4 years ago.
Is it the norm now that units ordered around the same month, take over a 5 month span to get out?

No clue what expected is now, I added myself to the list 01/2020, the delay is still several years deep.

According to the Sequentix forum all September 2018 emails have been sent out and they start October 2018 list next


I got on the waiting list August 2018 and received it around 20th December2022 if that’s any help.

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So that means I’ve got about 2 more years to figure out if I want it at the current rate lol. October 2021 here.