Cirklon V2

I use the USB to communicate with my OP1 via my Mac. I sequence it from the Cirklon (never got on with the tape deck on that thing…) and can also use it to play notes into the Cirklon. though I don’t typically do that for entering notes (I have multiple synths doing this) it is an option in my setup. there are some quirky sequencing options in the OP1, so it is fun to play with playing these into the Cirklon.

I did select this on my Elektrons - I will have another go at it, unless I forgot to save it when editing the settings!!

Do you find the USB sequence timing from the Cirklon is solid or are you also using a multiclock?

Also have a OP-1F (though was thinking of selling it as seldom used) so might also have a play sequencing it

Yea could be due to not saving it - easily done.

Alternatively it could be the CHN parameter on the elektron - I generally keep it at 16 that way it’ll always change on the next bar

Program Change parameter on the Elektron at channel 16? Cool. Will give it a go this afternoon when I try to get my MIDI controller thru working

I don’t have a multiclock, nor found the need for one yet.

Yeah I grabbed one to get my boxes to line up in my DAW dead on when I was getting anal about these things lining up perfect. I have kind of gone more hardware based now so the DAW is more of a stereo track recorder so guess less important

This is freaking fantastic!
Also refreshing to hear musical tracks on a modular.

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Looks like Sequentix are on a roll with orders at the moment. Judging by Barbara’s forum posts it appears they have sent emails out for the Oct 2018 and Nov 2018 people in Europe and by mid April she says Oct and Nov 2018 for outside Europe. So looks like thats Sept, Oct and Nov 2018 emails sent out all within one month.

I guess times are hard for many people and I have also been monitoring eBay / Reverb etc and the flippers dont appear to be selling the Cirklon for 3k plus any longer and its coming down to thereabouts retail price.

Good news anyhow! Hopefully supply of components etc dont become an issue anytime soon


Also the CVIO breakout box and analogue cable are available to ship immediately . I just got mine last week

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I dont really see the positiv news there, other than for those that are getting the mail this month. They still need more than a month for one month of the waitinglist in average. So when the list is growing at a constant speed, it is constantly growing. Not blaming them, I think they do what is possible, but every single optimistic look into the future by them, didn’t went that well. I think they posted last year, that they are optimistic to fulfill most of the list until end of 2023. To even come close to this, the production needs to skyrocket a lot, or there are not many people on the WL anymore.

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Well they have sent out 3 months worth of emails in approx one month so thats good news that it has speeded up for now.

Also units are starting to linger on sales platforms by flippers so imagine some people will think twice when their name pops up which can only be a good thing.

Yes agree its still a crazy wait but I think above is welcome


That is true, but the last shipping was in December. As they will be done with the announced shipping end of April, that’s more like 4 month for the 3 month worth of emails. Better than none, but far away from the 4/1 ration you are announcing here :slight_smile:

I can totally understand the excitement and the hope that it goes on faster, but no one will benefit from a hype that’s not real.


Maybe I misunderstand but someone on the Sequentix forum who got the Sept 18 email last month claims he already has his Cirklon so I simply presumed they are shipping pretty soon after you receive the email to pay and those emails have speeded up of late.

Im sure things will slow back down again but better then nothing and good for people who are close

Ive put the Elektron on CH16 for program change and it appears to be instant now when I swap scenes on the Cirklon! I need to consult the manual again as I am getting mixed up with the various saving options when I program the TV and the PC was not changing on playback. For good measure I am saving the TV per scene for Program change (for scenes with new pattern) and then saving the Scene also before heading back to Song!!

Clearing out what, 5 years of queue? Absolutely does not sound realistic in under a year :stuck_out_tongue:

There is a user config in Cirklon which saves the scene automatically as you are writing and therefore jumping between scenes.

t’s a time saver when writing, as don’t have to save scenes each time you make a change before changing to another scene, as it’s easy to change scene without saving and lose new pattern assignments/edits to track values etc.
However for ‘performance’/recording I’d generally leave it off as by that stage the writing will be done and I want to not lose the saved state of each scene.

On the TVs note generally how I work with them is say I want quant% always set to the same value in the song - I’ll save that in the song level of TVs.

And with regards to pgm change generally I’ll save those on the scene TV level. That way You can change patterns on machines as you change scenes etc.

Think of them as anything you’ve edited and want to be set to one value for the whole song save to song level. And anything you want to change as the song progresses through different scenes save on a scene level.

Bear in mind that anything not saved will be reset to a blank value if you change to a different song and back. So I find it good practise to make sure anything I want to be recallable, in terms of TVs, is saved either at song or scene level.

A note - there is an option to save all TVs - which is handy however there is something to know; that if you start moving the TVs around (specifically MIDI CC TVs) via modulating them in p3/automating in ck then if you save all TVs they will save eg. on a scene level, so all midi cc’s at their current value which may not always be desirable if you stop the scene half way through and a filter is opening, then stop playback and save all TVs; the default value of that scene will be taken from where you stopped rather than the start.

So I tend to not use the save all TVs option - and manually save as I’m editing.

However YMMV as I don’t tend to program synths via Cirklon - rather doing on the synth itself, so don’t need to recall exact patch parameter changes via Cirklon TVs rather doing on synth itself. As if doing this the save all TVs I’m sure is a huge time saver.
I’ll only save 10 or 20 TVs over the whole song generally so happy doing manual as I decide if it’ll be song or scene level.

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Well, realistically no-one really knows, how many people are on that list, how pre orders are distributed over all the years etc. 5 years ago the sequencer market was completely different to today, so everything we can do, is somehow estimate :stuck_out_tongue:

Nah, they’ve been shipping them out in January, February and March. I got mine three weeks ago.

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Could you elaborate more on the scale-related Track Values and how they can be used to setup custom scales on a per-track basis? One of my gripes so far with the Cirk is that FTS is only applied on a Scene level, rather than a Track level; I’d like to do things like constrain one Track to just the root note, for example, while the other Tracks are within the full scale.