Classic Dub Techno // 100% Polyend Tracker

Hi fellow Elektronauts,

Finally new music.

I hope you are doing well. It’s been tough creating more videos lately because I’ve been struck with Corona while going full time on music. Have not been sitting still as I’m creating a bunch of new videos for YouTube and more. Feeling better now and so it’s time to get back to more music making.

Polyend was so kind to send me their Tracker to check it out. I like it :). I created this classic dub techno track on it to explore its functions. Pretty basic stuff but I like the result. Next time I’m going to use the more glitchy approaches that will open up this instrument more. It’s pretty limited nin a lot of ways but I can see where the strengths are to create some wild grooves.

I also plan on creating a review later this year. If you have any questions you want me to look into, let me know in the comments.

Hope you enjoy :slight_smile:


Hey Dave, good to hear you’re back and healthy!

Nice groove as always, yes basic, but that hipassed/ bandpassed saw gives the whole groove a very pleasing change.

Are you using samples or is that an internal like synth from the tracker?

Haven’t looked into the machine that much, but the interface looks very interesting.

Can give an example what you consider strengths and shortcomings?


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Hi Andreas,

Thanks :pray:
This was made with samples. Percussion from samples that came with the unit, the pads is also from a sample that came with it but I used granular scrolling on it. The dub chord is from my own sample pack (from dusk till dawn) and further processed and modulated within Tracker.

So far not much to complain really. The shortcomings are limitations that make it what it is so I generally don’t see those as shortcomings. The only thing I’d love to see is either an extra filter per instrument or a filter option in the sample editor. Currently there’s just a ln EQ which doesn’t have a low cut option. So getting the low end under control is a bit more challenging. However, resampling can of course solve this ;). So like any sampler there are workarounds for a lot of things.

The tracker workflow is nice and if you’re familiar with elektron instruments it’s easy to grasp.


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Haha seems we are all spoiled by elektron boxes with two filters! :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:
Maybe that feature gets added in future update.
Two filters or an eq + filter is almost a must-have in a dawless setup to fully shape the sound and get rid of unwanted frequencies.

Can you see the tracker in a live performance?

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Yeah that would be a nice addition. Resampling works as well I expect. Still have to check that out.

For live, hmmm not sure really. It’s really aimed at a song per project. Sample memory is limited to about 133 seconds for example unless you import lower bit samples (crunchy vibes can be nice ofc).

However, it depends on the task you give it I guess. Loading in a couple of sample chains and use it as a box that uses a specific sound set could be cool. The performance mode is unique. One thing I’d like to explore is that you can actually switch individual tracks to a different pattern. This opens up a lot of interesting creative possibilities and could be cool in live situations.

I might actually go ahead and try to create a set with just the tracker in 1 project. Quite a challenge but should be fun to try :slight_smile:

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That is a really nice feature! I often wish I could just change one track at a time to different patterns on the OT. One could just change the kick track or a synth line.

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Sounding fantastic, and the best demonstration of the realtime control options and workflow I’ve seen on this machine.
Glad you’re feeling better buddy :slight_smile:

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Doesn’t feel as fluent yet to be honest but that’s just a matter of getting more time with it :slight_smile:

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