Classic mode?!

What’s the point of classic mode?
Dose anyone work in classic mode and to what Benfit?

i have no idea, but asked myself the same question :slight_smile:

i thoink the only differences are no parameter locks^^

probably they thought its too confusing and let the user turn of oparameter locks completely ^^who knows

i never used it , sometimes when i wonder why nothing works anymore iam in classic mode hehe

It’s fun to add variation to a pattern :slight_smile:

I don’t use it a lot, but it can be fun to switch into it, tweak a few things, then switch to a pattern with a different kit, keep tweaking, then switch back to extended for some chaos before hitting Fn+Extended on your new pattern. Good for transitions or just adding a little change to a pattern.


A lot!! But don’t want to repeat the ‘chapters’ I wrote about it in the old forum.

EDIT: my main uses of classic mode are smooth transitions between patterns without resampling (change to classic mode, switch pattern, do something, change to extended mode) or to just get more variations (go to one pattern in extended mode, switch to classic, jump through a lot of patterns, go back and to the next pattern in extended mode, jump around, etc.). In other words, I use extended mode to switch kits, and otherwise keep staying in classic mode most of the time.

EDIT: oh, Accent said it already :wink:

I don’t have a MD anymore, but I used to use classic mode a lot, it is a great to save your kit in classic mode with a fairly standard pattern, then switch to extended and put in all your p-locks, try things like lowering volume on certain steps, swelling up delay, filtering etc, then switch in and out of classic mode for some nice variations.

Basically classic mode ignores p-locks, but you can kind of use it like a scene if you use it the other way around as described above. Try it.

As others have said above, it’s a great tool for pattern variations.

Set up a kit so that its machines sound good without plocks, then plock them so they also sound good in some different but complementary way. Switching to Classic mode at key moments can provide the same effects as fills or turnarounds.

hmmm that makes sense :slight_smile:

i will try that

Switching between classic mode is good way of A-Bing P-locks to compare them to the original kit without resetting it.

Good tips in this thread. I’ve never used my Classic mode (never saw the point). But I’ll try it now. Thanks guys!

Another really fun use of classic mode :

while in classic mode, you can cycle through patterns, without the kit automatically changing.

Therefore, find a kit that you like, go into classic mode, and go through all your patterns. Interesting and unexpected stuff is bound to happen, yes ?

Enjoy !

Good thread!!Getting some ideas from this hehe!

We can’t talk Classic Mode button without mentioning it’s True Power.

+Classic/Extended=Reload Kit


hahaha, indeed !

the most exciting function of the MD (pun intended)