Clear all notes parameter lock

Hello !

ok, maybe i missed somethimg in the manual, i cant find how to just clear in one shot all parameter lock on a trak.

I see i can clear note one by one but thats kind shity, and useless for playing live.


Funtion + play in grid mode removes all trigs.

When in live recording mode hold exit/no and twist/press a data entry knob.

Realtime erase:
while in rec+play mode, hold exit/no and the trig key you want to erase. It will play the trig this time through the loop, but you will not hear it next time.
– ggoodwin bbb

hi guys, i cant get my head around this—

i have a ton of parameter locks in a machine and I want to clear them all … when I press function + play in grid mode, it will turn all the lights off, but when i enter notes again the p locks still seem to be unaffected from the previous erase

thanks for help!

please help. i cant find how to clear plocks without deleting whole track or pattern…
