Clear ALL patterns?

Hi all,

Just a quick & rather simple query: Is it possible to clear all patterns at once on the MD? Couldn’t find a way.

Thanks a lot!

Does EMPTY RESET work for you or is that too drastic?

Does EMPTY RESET work for you or is that too drastic?[/quote]
Thanks for your reply. Would that erase all of the kits as well?
I’d just like to get rid of all the stored patterns without losing the sounds in my current Snapshot.

I’ve got a few sysex files I use for situations like this. You might make one for yourself with patterns A.01-H.16 all empty, then load it using the “patterns” choice (not “pats+kits” or anything else). Your kits should remain intact.

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I’ve got a few sysex files I use for situations like this. You might make one for yourself with patterns A.01-H.16 all empty, then load it using the “patterns” choice (not “pats+kits” or anything else). Your kits should remain intact. [/quote]
Thanks mate and sorry for delay in replying. For that I’d have to empty the patterns first though innit?


…well if you’ve got a plus drive, just load an empty snap and create the sysex file I described previously from there.


Is there a way to send sysex patterns to my MD from an iPad? I would like to not have to mess with my interface connection anytime I need to clear my MD up