Clear all PLocks of a certain parameter?

Ohh, that’s cool! you hold it down for whatever specific notes you want to delete, a nice alternative to manually un-triggering. I kinda wish there was an undo for this though.

but what you’ve written is specifically wrong - there are no trigs to hold in Rec Mode (as you realised retrospectively) (when record is flashing red)

i was responding with various info on how to clear all locks and all specific locks, so not wrt single trigs

you are again confusing Live Record(blink red) with Grid Record(steady red) [plus we now have step input record a la TB303]

There are no Trigs to address in Record Mode

So No+Enc is like a realtime punch-in to remove a specific lock (in time) so to erase all, you have to hold’n’wait until the track loops around to where you begun removing

What i wrote above is clear enough imho if you sign up to Rec and Grid mode being different modes

Wrt the other terminology - it’s the way it is, so the manual is your friend for getting in sync with Tracks/Patterns Sounds/Kits etc

PS : Deselecting a trig and re-enabling it in Grid mode is NOT teh same as removing the locks in a quick handy way - it’s a different level of ground-zero

The Hold 'n wait: Fn+No method of clearing all will clear the SOUND parameter locks but retain the Track parameter locks, so the underlying Notes and Lengths are preserved - much more convenient - pressing a trig is then clearing you back to current defaults for the track - not what you recorded before adding sound parameter locks

Best to read the Manual for terminology and tips

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OK, yeah you’re right, just got the A4 this week, working it all out, thanks. Btw it says my question about Voice Allocation was closed and it has your logo beside it, does that mean you closed it, if so, why?

This only works me if I hold it Fn+No throughout one whole sequence, 64 steps in this case, and since you can’t set it playing in rec mode (blinking red) while holding Fn+No at the same time I press Fn_No after playing, so this means I have to wait for it to go two rounds (128 steps) just to clear the sound parameter locks, is this right? (other than holding the trig and clicking the Enc one by one in grid mode?)