Clear all PLocks of a certain parameter?

I constantly get confused about this.

Can you clear all the PLocks of a certain parameter on a track?


yeah but afaik only in live-record modeā€¦? hold the NO button and press & hold the encoder of the param you want to clearā€¦ you can clear entire notes/trigs too by holding NO + a TRACK button.

if thereā€™s a way to quickly delete all locks for a certain parameter with a certain combo, iā€™d love to hear about it!

Is this the same process for the OT?

yeah, shame you have to overwrite in realtime, the obvious combo would be Fn+No+Enc to do it in a oner
also itā€™d be handy if erase (as it is) was available in step/play modes

also @void
No+Track ainā€™t doinā€™ anything for me ! :wink:

it does not? hehe shows that I should test a thesis before posting!


i know this works somehowā€¦

no, and itā€™s not Function + Wild + Guess either ! :wink:
Hold 'n wait: Fn+No will clear all plocks (rec mode)
Hold 'n wait: No+Enc will clear a plock (rec mode)
Fn+Track is mute as you well know
Fn+Clear will clear a track in grid mode *
Fn+Clear will clear a pattern in other modes

  • is this what you meant?

okay itā€™s the other way aroundā€¦ in RT mode, gotta hold TRACK, then hold NO -> delete notes.

Okay, good to know ! - but, besides erasing just part of the track are there any advantages to this which are not obvious, beyond say un-trigging more accurately in grid mode ?

dunno I guess thatā€™s itā€¦ itā€™s probably good for when youā€™re in a live-recording mindset or something, but what do I know, I never really make music with the goddamn thing but only mess with its data haha.

on a related note : did you know that if you p-lock multiple trigs, the underlying variation(if there) on that plock value will be maintained, ie the value you see will not be applied to all trigs (the relative shift will !) - not what i had assumed at all !!! #A4tip

huhā€¦ does not compile

yep, i think a few people may be surprised by this nuance !

lel I mean, I donā€™t quite get what youā€™re sayingā€¦ been all over p-locks and how they interact with different trig types & the arp the last few daysā€¦

i assumed that if you hold two or more trigs and twiddle the dial to a plockable parameter that the parameter value on both trigs would be that which you see on the screen at the time of locking ! Not so ! Not if there is a different starting position for tweaked param ! I am still surprised by this realisation, maybe iā€™m late to the party !

the ā€˜workaroundā€™ is to click the encoder first ! after multi trigs are selected, this equilibrates them !

ah never knew!

went checking this outā€¦ suddenly, hours have passedā€¦ haha

Ah, this is why I love this forum :slight_smile: so many useful ideas poping up very spontaneously

Thanks for your feedback!

2 posts were merged into an existing topic: Clearing the automations

This is one of the most confusing things for me.
The red notes is a ā€œpatternā€, right? But when you clear it (in rec mode) it says ā€œclear trackā€ (yet the track synth/sound stays intactā€¦)

Then (out of rec mode) when you clear ā€œclear patternā€ it clears ALL patterns on all tracks.

So it seems like it should be called ā€œclear patternā€ and ā€œclear all patternsā€ respectively, no? And it saying ā€œcopy trackā€ is confusing me cuz I associate that with the track sound not its pattern/notes. If anyone can make this make sense Iā€™d love that.

P.S. If you change track after clearing any of these you cannot undo :sob: lol
Thanks for any info!

holding trig*+No+pressing the Enc: will clear a plock (rec mode) :+1:t2:
(Sorry, specifics are important to me when learning this machine.)

Iā€™m trying trig+Fn+No (in rec mode) and Iā€™m holding it and waiting.
I canā€™t get this to clear all p locks for some reason, any idea what Iā€™m doing wrong please?

Edit: wait, you can just turn off the trig and on again and all its parameter locks will be gone! OK, that works. But what about a shortcut to remove all p locks on a certain track?

Edit 2: Ahh you have to be in LIVE RECORDING MODE, my bad, I was in grid rec mode. But now Iā€™m extra confused why you said:

ā€¦ because it doesnā€™t seem like you have to hold and wait and you donā€™t even need to press No, you just hold the trig and press the encoder to delete the p lock, it seemsā€¦