Clear Pattern not available?

If you’re not in any mode, Func + Copy and Func + Paste show Copy Pattern and Paste Pattern, but Func + Clear shows Sequence Cleared. Is this a bug or intended behaviour? The manual does say these should clear the Pattern but I’m seeing different behaviour.

I realize copying and pasting a blank default pattern will work but just curious as to the documented feature.

Aside, being able to copy and paste the entire sequence only while leaving track settings intact would be cool way to audition “kits” with the same groove.

Isn’t “Sequence Cleared” the same as “clear pattern,” just in different words? Or do you want to reset everything, including the sounds?

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Sequence cleared = pattern cleared.

If you mean pattern = the pattern on an individual track, you can clear that by pressing the record button (so switch to record mode) and press FN + Clear in record mode. This will clear the trigs of the selected track only.


I think I understand what you mean, and I think it is intentional. As a way to copy a kit and making a new pattern with it. At least that is the way I use it.

So func+copy/paste pattern = copying/pasting the kit + the sequence.
But func+clear = only clears the sequence.
If you want to clear the kit too, then you have to go to [pattern imp/exp ] and choose clear/ whole pattern.

I guess that is what people mean when they say that you can’t save kits in the digitakt… :man_shrugging:t4:

edit: so yes, it is available, just not with a fast shortcut. For that you have to menu diving a little.


One tip is to replace the samples in slots 1-8 in a project. That way, they become the default samples for every pattern.

No sequence means only trigs on all tracks. The sounds stay the same along with any track scaling settings. I was looking for a way to reset track scaling and sounds. My copy paste workaround works but I was curious about the shortcut.

Sequence is only trigs. Pattern includes sound assignments and track scaling.

Hey cool I forgot about that menu option. I’ll try that to see if it does what I’m looking for. Thanks!

So clearing pattern from the menu does NOT clear track scaling. Looks like the only way to fully reset a pattern is to copy and paste a blank default one or manually reset the per-track scaling.

Update - this is a known bug according to support. Clearing a pattern does not clear per-track scale settings. It’s on the to-do list.


What is the diference between “sequence clear” and “track clear”?

What about copying a blank generic pattern and pasting it to the pattern you want to delete ?