Clearing locks on a [DT] Trig

I’m in the early weeks of learning the DT so please forgive terminology errors…

In grid record mode if I add a Trig to a Track and then hold it down I know I can set conditional locks, parameter locks and sound locks to modify it and in this case I’ve also modified the NOTE value to, say, E3. When I muck it all up I thought I could hold the [TRIG] + [PLAY] to clear all the changes I had made to that specific Trig.

Initially it does appear to restore all the settings to default with one ambiguity; the NOTE value on the Trig Page appears to reset to C3 but the pitch doesn’t change. If I release the Trig and then press and hold it again I can see the NOTE value is what ever I had changed it to (E3 in the above example). All other changes do revert to the defaults (from what I can tell).

Should the [TRIG] + [PLAY] combo reset the NOTE to the default C3 (in which case this seems to be a bug) or shouldn’t it (in which case why does the NOTE display revert to C3 initially until I release and reselect the trig)?
Im using v1.30

I can’t test that here at the moment but I don’t think the screen should show C3 on clearing the trig’s locks (you can just remove and re-add the whole trig for complete reset) and I’d hope that the note lock would stay in place - so maybe it’s a small gui bug? Worth reporting to support?