Clearing out my OT

So I need to clear/initialize my OTmk2 before selling it. I want to just leave preloaded samples.
There are files with .txt, .strd, .work, os.bin. Can I delete all of these?

.txt are probaply log files, .strd are save files, .work contain the active project, os.bin is the firmware update file.

Basically, there is no factory reset function on OT, empty reset available from the startup menu reinitializes the battery backed RAM and clears all data.

I’ve never done it myself, so correct me if I’m wrong, but afaik you can delete the contents of the card (log files, firmware update file and the set folder(s). With an empty card, the new owner will have to create and mount a set, create a project and then everything is ready to mangle!

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Format the card from within OT (it’s in the manual somewhere). Factory projects/samples aren’t stored on the card afaik, as you can access them without a card in the machine. You can check that.

Edit: having said that, Anniversary Edition OTs had a special card with additional material, IIRC

Edit edit: Check @Schnork’s answer below :point_down:

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Got it, thanks all!

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I’m pretty sure the factory samples are stored on the card (where else could they be stored?) If you want to sell your OT with the factory content included, just leave them on the card, in case you’ve deleted them, you (or the new owner - so you could just format the card and let the new owner register the OT and download the content) can download them from the Elektron website.
It’s pretty straight forward for Mk2 users (register OT and download content) and a little more work for Mk1 users.


You are correct in that the sample library supplied with OT’s is stored on the card.

However the sounds used for the 16 demo mode patterns are stored in ROM.