
I’m trying to sync my drumbrute with the m:c. Trouble is, if I use the DM as the slave I get nothing. If I use it as the master, it syncs but obviously sends midi data so the selected track on the m:c just sequences the steps of the dm rather than the steps I programmed for the selected m:c track. Make sense? In other words, I just want them to play at the same speed and stop/start when the master stops/starts. No midi per se just clocking. Is this possible?

Welcome to the forum!

This could be because of your MIDI connection from M:C to DB.

If you’re just using a 3.5 mm TRS cable from M:C MIDI Out to DB MIDI In then you will have to set the polarity of the MIDI connection (OUT POL OUT setting) in the M:C’s CONFIG > MIDI > PORTS menu.

If you’re using the correct MIDI adaptors and a 5-pin-DIN MIDI cable, then you should only need to set up the synchronization correctly.

Yes. The simplest way is to disactivate RCV NOTE (and probably also RCV CC) in the M:C’s CONFIG > MIDI > FILTER menu.

There may be other things to do to get the optimum setup so try it out and let us know how you get on.


in the utility (wrench button) you can configure MIDI in for T1-T6.

go to MIDI–>In channel–>then choose off for T1-T6. this will stop the M:C from receiving notes from the drumbrute.

you should be able to make the M:C the master by going into the sync menu in the same utility.

there are a lot of settings for MIDI, so you should really read the manual while you go through each setting.


Thank you! Solved my problem.

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What actually solved the problem was turning off “Auto In” which is the 8th setting on the “In Chan” page.


Thanks !
super helpful for me too

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