I hope this works well! From what I’ve read, CME has a good track record. Also, bonus points for the A4mkii diagram right?

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Nice idea, I wonder if there is any noticeable lag under some conditions?

It’d have to be 100% reliable, which I’ve never experienced with any Bluetooth device so far. I dunno, just don’t know if I’d trust it for gigs, what with all them other devices roaming around causing interference (I’m guessing, not a scientist) which is when you’d most like to have a decent cable solution.

All that being said, it is a cool idea and if they can prove reliability it might take off. The only problem is that if it does take off, manufacturers will start putting Bluetooth midi in their gear themselves, making the market for this decidedly smaller.


So has anyone tried this yet? Considering buying one to pair with my MPC Live.


I’m intrigued by this, but I have a few questions, like:

  • what would happen if you connect it to a standard midi merger or splitter
  • apparently it’s auto-connecting the devices, which might lead to confusion between devices
  • latency obviously
  • how do ‘groups’ work, since I now have all 16 channels occupied (synts/fx), so I would need four groups (since max is 1-to-4 split or 4-to-1 merge), but I wonder if four groups can be active at the same time.
    So if anyone already tested similar setups, I would be very interested to know your experiences.

I’ve got 2 of them, I’m a bit confused on how to set up channels tbh…
I think the app can set up but i not sure yet only used them a couple times.

But you can simply just connect 2 and it just works… minimal latency when I tried it…
I need to mess around test them out a bit more to be able to comment more than that

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I also have two but likely will buy 2-3 more. So, couldn’t use groups yet with my two widis, but my understanding is, that you can easily transfer midi within a group. You can have multiple groups in parallel from what I see in the App.

Didn’t have any latency issues. Midi is a slow protocol and for my musical needs I didn’t notice the latency. Also was able to connect a widi directly with my MPC Live2 Bluetooth - though it always missed beat #1 after hitting play. Otherwise was OK. No issues when using two widis.

Not sure I get the merger/splitter question, but the widi is like a midi I/O so should be the same as connecting cables.

One thing to keep in mind is, that the widi master is powered using midi out port.

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Hey all, I’ve got an iPhone and always have issues connecting to the devices to update firmware via bluetooth. Hopefully that improves with latest firmware, but does anyone have tips? I have 4-5 WIDI Master devices, they always boot up powered-on, but I seem to wait forever for them to pop up on my pairing screen.

Edit: Deleting the cached devices and installing midmittr as advised did help them get detected somewhat.

Edit: Edit: OK, disconnecting them in midimittr seems to have done a fine job.

misread the title as CME MIDI Waster.
so be careful.


Did anyone try these with Elektron boxes?
I’m buying a few things from SKAA, plus a battery to attempt a wireless sit on the couch kind of thing.
Would love to get my OT set up wirelessly as well as my RYTM and see if this all works.

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I’ve used them for a number of applications (maybe a MnM or Rytm?)

Once you get the device(s) synced to the master node (a little wrestling with the infra is expected) it’s just plain MIDI.


Bad ass!
I’m excited to see if I can make my lil set up completely wireless.

I bought some of the cheap kind, not this brand though. I’ll let you know how I get on with them. About a third of the cost but you can only link 2 at a time.

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it works well for controllers, fx… ok for synths (depends on how you use them)… not good enough for sequencers - the grid fluctuates too much, you can clearly hear that even without contrasting it with stable reference.

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That’s what I was most concerned about.
It seems worth the money to try it out tho.
I’m not really intending on using wireless stuff live, just for noodling on the couch or in bed.

Thanks for the response!

Is the issue that the transport start doesn’t coordinate between devices or all functions are out of sync?

If you put kick on master device and hihats on slave device, the kick will be machine precise, while some of the the hihat strikes will be wonky off the grid

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