
Agreed ! I was pretty against getting a nespresso since we already use an aero press and chemex I figured we didn’t need anymore coffee paraphernalia. But even just the milk frother alone is so awesome

Edit : only gripe is everytime I walk into the store I can’t help but associate it with a ‘vape’ store in terms of over the top knowledge and flavouring. It’s most likely me being too pretentious but I find the whole absurd variety of coffee flavours too much.

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Haha yes, I didn’t think I wanted one as I love a good French press and Moka stovetop, but my girlfriend’s parents have a Nespresso machine that I love so much they bought me one for Christmas!

It is really pretentious though, you’re absolutely right. They’re selling a fantasy, a ritual. And to give them credit, they seem to be doing a good job. :stuck_out_tongue:

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A week seems a bit long.

I have well water at my house in Laveen AZ.

There are definitely A LOT of minerals in the water. I distill my well water when I need to fill humidifiers for my kids. The minerals come out in chunks after I distill only a gallon.

It’s fine for showers and washing. We have a softener and I use a triple filter for cooking water.

Otherwise it’s strictly 5gal fill ups at the water mill for drinking. It’s not “bad”, just very hard and full of minerals.

Unfortunately, I don’t get along with coffee at all. as soon as i drink more than one cup of it, i get dizzy and i have a funny pale feeling - can’t describe it any other way. somehow i also believe that it really contributes to dying of a heart attack or a stroke. But that’s just my opinion, so please don’t take offense.

However, since I have been drinking green tea, e.g. a delicious chun mee, the feeling is completely gone, despite the caffeine. I can drink liters of it and nothing happens except that I feel fit. green tea can make you sick to your stomach, but with the right kind that doesn’t happen either.

for me, is the best for daytime addicted enjoyment.

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I think some people are intolerant to whatever is in coffee other than the caffeine, I’ve known a couple of people who have similar reactions. The heart strain is a common theme. It’s a shame you can’t enjoy a fresh cup of Joe but I also enjoy green tea, especially ceremonial grade matcha - now THAT is a pretentious thing but it tastes real good and grants so much energy.

yes, if the matcha is of good quality, it is nice, but also really expensive. at all these good organic teas from a tea shop, but it’s worth it. what’s more, no matter what i drink of either, if i stop, i get withdrawal symptoms like headaches. but that the coffee has such a blatant effect on the body in contrast to tea is strange. I can’t imagine that if someone likes coffee, they can drink liters of it like tea without going crazy. a cup of coffee works for me too, but as I said, not as much as tea and it’s really nice to have the teapot next to you when you’re producing.

I do that frequently – stop with any caffeine for two or three days, pushing through the headaches. It’s some hormonal thing, I’ve read somewhere. Some “exhaustion” hormone that’s built up over time, because the caffeine blocks its decomposition or whatever, haha. Typically I feel like you only need one good night of sleep – without any caffeine in your blood, though, that’s the hard thing – to have the headache stop.

And then when you’re reset, the caffeine hits harder :muscle: :brain:

I also much prefer greentea to coffee though, it’s a much less offensive high (?) like you’ve described.


not a bad idea to cut caffeine for a day or two a week, although that would be difficult for me. with sleep and caffeine is also a thing. I found the perfect solution for me. after three o’clock in the afternoon i don’t drink any more tea or caffeine. and i go to sleep strictly at 10pm and get up straight at 7am. i didn’t think it would improve my quality of life so much because getting enough sleep is really important. even if you wake up in the night, you still have enough time to sleep because you went to bed early. Mobile phone and such things are of course not allowed to be there. but I have no idea if anyone is interested in this. :wink: sounds very boring, but I’m already 40 and I want to be as fit as possible. I couldn’t have imagined it like that before. but this 22-7 thing is a real game changer - you just have to be strict about it.

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I am in my early 30s and I totally can relate. In the past I had situations (mostly after lunch) where I wanted to sleep so much. But banning the mobile phone and other electronics from the bed room, going to sleep from 10:30 to 7 makes things easier. It’s also easier to cope with life’s challenges

To be ontopic: I still love coffee. My go to beans are some Columbia “flavored” beans by Tchibo (German retailer)

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So I’ve dialed in my nomad technique, can pretty easily pull 2/3 shots in a row with it without adding water. This is a 2 shot americano, has that smooth slightly thick texture, not bitter, lots of crema… the current beans I am using have a nice chocolatey flavor.


Sadly, I’ve had to abandon coffee entirely.
The psychoactive effects are too much for me. I had tried many things to adjust how I metabolize it, but ultimately abstinence was the best solution.

Have switched almost entirely to green tea products, and occasionally some black tea.

I miss coffee. The flavor, the aromas, but the adrenal fatigue and mood swings were too much.


@AdamJay Did you try L-Theanine? I know that works for some people, might be worth looking into.

Stay strong :muscle::muscle:
I‘ve been sleeping like a baby ever since I began with my clean-days, despite all the demons (?) elsewhere

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I take it daily.

It does much better for me when I abstain from coffee, though.

Postum… love the taste, not sure how healthy it is or not

I’m wanting to do the same. As I’ve been wanting to cut back, I’ve realized I can drink more and more even into the afternoon.

I quit alcohol last year pretty cleanly, but I guess I’ve gotten addicted to caffeine instead. It’s hard to go half a day with no coffee and not get a headache, but yeah. I do think it tips me over into anxiety at times.

How’d you wean yourself off, or did you just take a couple hard cold turkey days?

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I have a Rocket espresso machine and espresso grinder and use them daily with Lavazzo beans that I buy at discount from Costco and use oat or almond milk frothed to perfection for my daily buzz.


I have tried to quit coffee several times, as it contributes to some stomach / throat problems I deal with but it’s been so hard to completely cut it out entirely. I’ve gone a few weeks without just to come back to it as a daily habit. The headaches I get when not drinking it are just really really terrible. But damn, it’s definitely not good for me in any way.

I drink pour overs using Stumptown beans. So good. And yet…

The struggle is real, friends.

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The headaches go away in about a week. But when I dry out, I miss the taste of coffee, and probably most the daily ritual of making it. I think, if you want to quit it permanently, you need to identify those ritualistic aspects in your own life, and explicitly substitute for them.


Just got mine as a gift.

First attempts were failed, but I’m gradually inching towards espresso.