
Hi, is anybody out there to try a music collaboration without stress?

How to do is discussable.

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I’ve pondered this between octatrack users. We could swap CF cards.

Two Elektronauts One CF Card


Hi that sounds good. Only Octatrack. We can sende the CF-Card with one Collab-Project on it back and force to work on a complete project. Where are you located?

You could always just Dropbox a copy to each other


Yes or Wetransfer.

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I’m in the US.

To share a project you can use the COLLECT SAMPLES function, then compress the project folder.

You can also PURGE SAMPLES before.


One way to collaborate could be online via NINJAM. It could work well for certain types of techno or ambient stuff.

Basically you tell the client your BPM and everyone hears everyone else with a user-adjustable latency that makes sense musically, for example 2 bars. I’m down for trying it out if we can find a suitable time.


Is anyone out there actually collaborating? I’ve been barking up that tree for years. I would definitely be interested.


I’ve been doing about 2 hours of Ninjam a week since 2020 and it works really well.

EDIT: it might be specific to my setup, but one issue I have is that the OT usually doesn’t start right away when I start the transport in Reaper - it’s typically 2 beats behind. My solution is to have a MIDI track that sends note 35 (sequencer restart) on beat 3 of the Reaper timeline. I also don’t use external clock on the OT (since even the most accurate, hardware master clock I have access to makes pickup machines unreliable, and clock from my USB interface has no chance), so I have it set to recieve transport only. So I start Reaper in time with Ninjam (theReaNinjam plugin does this automatically) and then on bar 3 it resets the OT sequencer so that it’s on the beat. Its internal clock is stable enough that there’s no noticeable drift over 2 hours, which is more than enough for what I’m doing. I’ve nudged the MIDI note around to compensate for audio interface latency. I also have a second MIDI track with a step sequencer set up to play note 35 at the downbeat of every bar, so if I have to stop the OT for some reason I can unmute that track and it will resync the OT to Ninjam.

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I played a few times on the public servers, it’s fun too but could be more awesome to jam on some techno or Berlin School type stuff with fellow Elektronauts.

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The project I’m using it for is kind of in the middle between late 70s/early 80s Berlin School and straight up Krautrock, and it definitely works well for that.

I have too much other stuff going on right now to host a Ninjam server but if someone else sets one up for the board I’ll definitely drop in at some point.

I do not know Ninjam. I use an Octatrack MKII, Bassline, Wavestate and Pulsar 23. As DAW I use Live or Logic on an I-Mac M1. I know the problem with the OT and syncronization with a DAW, what I never understood why Ekektron did not implement it via USB.

I like Techno/Electro but Ambient works also (but more with a DAW). An offline collobration could also work.

Hi, which kind of music you like to make?

The easiest way to colaborate is the exchange of wav files via Wetransfer.
What you think?

I am located in Germany.

Exchange of project files and send via WeTranser could work.
What kind of music do you like?

But that doesn’t copy the samples right? It moves them to the project folder… right?

It might be a good idea for whoever collaborates together to allow others to remix the end result.

I seek a local collaboration in Bochum Germany, but it wasnt easy to find someone who actually has time for a weekly or biweekly session. I want to make Zenon Style Psytech. If youre intrested pm.

I have a room in a Bunker and a small PA. There is no internet access.

Copy. And I forgot to mention PURGE SAMPLES

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