Color code fill only trigs

I find it very confusing that the trigs that launch only on films have the same color as every other. The result is that I very often find my sequencer trigs all lit up and have to search individually for the ones that do trigger outside of fill.

I reckon fill trids are really different from other types of trigs as they never trigger unless the trig button is actually pressed. As such it would justify giving them a color of their own. Such as blue or whatever.

Going down the rabbit hole, one could imagine (if the hardware can do it) having a less intense red light to distinguish the trigs with conditions (other than fill) from the normal ones. But maybe that’s just overkill.

The fill thing feels appropriately useful and easy to understand, IMHO.

Thanks guys for building magical instruments !

PS : please bring back a SOLO option, is so crucial to be able to quickly hear a single track. FUNC + TRK + track number to solo!!!


the hardware can even do blue and white colors (you can test this if you boot your DT in test mode.) i also wonder why they dont utilize those colors, maybe to reduce confusion - but agreed, would love to see conditionals and fills differentiated somehow. i think they do however blink very quickly ‘off’ to differentiate, see if you notice that:) it’s subtle but definitely there


Thanks, I’ll check that for sure. Probably too subtle though, since I never noticed…

What would be even better would be a dedicated fill sequence.
Let’s say you are in the record mode, you press yes+page to access fill mode, then you program your steps for the fill which would override the main pattern when pressing the page button.
It would act as an alternative sequence somehow, would allow much more possibility in terms of programming, and would definitely simplify the reading.

But well, I think I dream to much :smiley:


That’s definitely a cool idea too !!

Either one would work for me :slight_smile:

yesss TR8s has this.

Rytm has this sort of, in that you can do Direct Jump, which is a very cool way of ‘punching in’ different patterns (but it doesn’t punch out/ automatically jump back, so requires a bit more finger jutsu to get back to the main pattern.) Still, I like Direct Jump a lot.

On the Digitakt I feel like ‘fill’ always sounds pretty static because you can’t stack conditionals. Fill + 4:4 or Fill + 25% for example would be great… I sometimes end up using yellow conditional trigs microtimed almost ‘on top’ of fill trigs, with amp vol 0, for example, to choke Fills and add some dynamism… but then you still get a click:P

This. I never actually use the fill function because i feel it gets in the way of the base sequence too much and is harder to make sense of it by just looking at the trigs.

Isn’t what you describe the exact behavior of temp jump on the rytm?
I don’t have it here to test but in my memory that’s what it does (or maybe it cues the pattern instead of direct jump, and then comes back to the previous one)

I think that’s right - i only just got my rytm last week so I haven’t tried that feature out yet!