Color? We don't need no stinkin' color!

That’s what has me waiting to pull the trigger too atm. It’s the $30 shipping to the US that’s the real holdup for me tho.

Nothing misleading :slight_smile:

I just didn’t want people getting huffy with Christian that they can get 8 on their own if the policy was now different.

I guess they had them manufactured as sets of 16 and were getting too many 1-8 buttons left over compared to 9-16.


Off topic but could you order a DN faceplate as well? When I first got mine I scratched it via resting my headphones on it. Pains me to this day.

A full makeover may be in order.

I also wonder if the white keys are sold in 8 or you’ll need to purchase the whole kit?

Would be great to have the tilt screen like MPC

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Has anyone asked Elektron if the Syntakt screen is a drop-in replacement for the other Digis? If you were to buy that top-board? Not sure how expensive that would be.

There’s another thread where the Oled had been identified and swapped for a different colour.

It’s not a straight drop-in


Hey thanks, yea I’ve seen that one before which is why I ask about buying a Syntakt replacement, as you could buy the board, making it a drop in replacement :slight_smile: (and the right part, rather than a similar one)

I don’t think Elektron will sell you a screen for one digi box to install in a different one tho?

Drop em a line to find out?

Only the Chracter Dial on the Analog Heat to replace now… all other knobs and buttons replaced with black, including function buttons.


does i done it wrong?


are they going to take my elektron logo away?


Well the entire premise of this thread is buying parts that belong to one Digi to install in another so I don’t see why not :joy:

Looks sick :ok_hand:

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I agree. It seems a bit odd but I appreciate the reasoning - buttons and knobs are purely aesthetic - screens are an electrical component.

Encouraging knob swapping (oo err) is one thing, it’s pretty harmless. Electronic bits… well… they may not want to condone that. They explicitly state to only use the enclosed power supply in the manual…

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Is that one of those Teenage Engineering Digitakts? Aren’t they £2000? :grin:

Would be cool to have 8 coloured knobs and each parameter in its own colour, ala OP1

I actually love the colors of the Digitone tracks, same way I love the original color scheme of the Moog Grandmother/Matriarch

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They send out internal parts/electronics as replacements - so as long as it’s a drop-in replacement then I don’t see why not - be good to test their limits on that one :slight_smile:

Edit: Ah, it would require a whole control-board (for a solderless swap) - in my head this board was broken into different parts. Possible that it could be the same on the Digitakt but less hopeful than I originally was:


At the very least it would be an expensive swap.

Are those coloured knobs one of the 100 new features of the Teenage Engineering x Digitakt ?


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that was sort of the thinking (apart from the fact I like shapes and bright colours like a simpleton)
If they’re all different colours it’s easier to remember what each one does on each screen without looking too hard.

I dunno if it works tbh, as I think it’s more muscle memory, but at least it looks different to everyone else’s.

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I should have clarified:

Electronic parts that require cracking out the soldering iron.