Color? We don't need no stinkin' color!

We appear to be going in circles haha

Again to clarify: I wonder if because now we have white syntakt screens, there might be a non-invasive, straight forward replacement of the screen with one of these clearly compatible parts (no soldering) by swapping the board it’s soldered onto.

Someone with both a Syntakt and Digitakt could check if they’re interchangable, but as I say it would be an expensive route even if possible - the dream lives on!

This is likely possible as the control-board is often only concerned with the interface itself, with all of the synth stuff taking place on the main board below it. I suspect the Digitakt/Syntakt control boards are identical apart from the screen… but that could also be wrong.

Sod that, I want a yellow screen on my Analog 4 MkII!


haha in all seriousness what about those red MD screens :drooling_face: - would look sick on an OT MKII

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Where did you buy these knobs?

can’t actually remember which those are specifically, but either:


(i’ve bought from both and they’re pretty similar tbh.)


I believe @darenager did exactly this to a unit of his. Think it was the DN…

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This kinda makes me want to cut a custom gorilla glass faceplate for the digis.


or laser cut some glazing perspex?


would be tempted to try this if I still had easy access to a laser cutter - could also etch the legend and paint in with acrylic, would look great.

(leave out the “Kick” and "Snare etc on the DT!)

This thread always reminds me about the book of David Batchelor about chromophobia.

„The central argument of “Chromophobia” is that a chromophobic impulse - a fear of corruption or contamination through color - lurks within much Western cultural and intellectual thought. This is apparent in the many and varied attempts to purge color, either by making it the property of some “foreign body” - the oriental, the feminine, the infantile, the vulgar, or the pathological - or by relegating it to the realm of the superficial, the supplementary, the inessential, or the cosmetic. Chromophobia has been a cultural phenomenon since ancient Greek times.“

„To this day, seriousness in art and culture is a black and white issue.“


That’s a slid idea. We have a few machine shops around here. Would probably do sublimation for the labels due to the lettering size tho.

ah yeah, fair point the it’s pretty tiny.

slightly concerned about how thick you can make it and still use the buttons vs. how flexible really thin perspex is, but I feel l like there’s probably a workable thicknessas it’s not like it’s a big sheet really.


It’s interesting how historical influences work too and how they’ve shaped aesthetic tastes - like how there’s an elegance and class associated with Roman style marble and the monotone architecture when the reality is that all the paint has just gone and instead everything looked like a cartoon.

We forget our roots.


Yes, indeed!

Like the Roman and Greek sculptures, I would also very much like to see the ceiling of the Hall of Ambassadors in the Alhambra in its original coloring. That must have been awesome with all the ultramarine color!

But enough about colors, I dont want to derail this thread. :totes:


I have a laser cutter…


I’m think 3/16" should be fine. if anything, the encoders will need a dab of putty in each to raise em.

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convieniently the knobs I replaced mine with have a little gap underneath… it’s almost too perfect!

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Very interesting, thank you.

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Bye bye grey character dial


DIY on that character knob or is there somewhere one could purchase it?