Combining external and internal sequencing

I want to sequence my syntakt externally through the midi in port the usual way. In addition, I’d also like to live record parameter changes using the internal sequencer exclusively for parameter locks, but not note data.

This means that I ideally want to receive the midi notes without recording them to the internal sequencer, since they’re handled externally anyways.

At this point I’m having trouble making this work, and I can’t figure out whether this is impossible to begin with, or if I’m doing something wrong. If it’s the latter, could someone guide me through the proper setting to only record internal parameter changes while I exclude any note data?

I understand it’s a bit weird use case, so… not possible? :joy:

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It sort of depends on the use case how you might work around this. If you record in your automations and notes, and then click FN + [TRIG] on all the red trigs, then they’ll all be yellow or “trigless” trigs and just have the automations.

If it’s for performance, I’d suggest trying to use the sound macros, where MW/PB/AT/BC can each change up to 4 parameters. If you record those movements either on your external sequencer or on a midi loopback track, that’s one way to separate parameter changes from note entry, though you’d need to mute the instrument track in the sequencer. I show how to sequence sound macros with midi loopback in this video: , though automating/tweaking the macros from your other sequencer is likely more straightforward.

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So, if I understand you right, this allows me to wash off recorded note values, while retaining parameter data from the internal sequencer? I’m always working in a live setting, so this might actually be doable, without too much fiddling!

Yes. I have three Syntakt tracks configured to receive Midi notes on their own dedicated channels so I can either play or sequence them externally (if I want to). Parameter automation still works.

Yes, just tried it. It doesn’t erase them, but turning the trigs yellow means the sequencer won’t play the note (difference being: if you wanted to turn them red again, by tapping them, the recorded note will return—also, it won’t just erase any parameter changes that happened to coincide with a note).

Just tried this, and I think the best way is:
1: Mute your desired track in the sequencer, and play both ST and external sequencer.
2: Make your parameter changes. (NB these will modify the playing track even if it’s muted.)
3: FN + TRIG on all the red triggers in the sequence while it’s still muted—that way no doubled or hung notes from doubling on the sequence.
4: Unmute the track on ST, and it will play the parameter changes.

The only downside is that it does so per-step, so it could be jumpy depending on what you’re doing—using an LFO is always an option for a smooth slide of 1 or 2 parameters.

Hmm, odd. I tried recording the knob movements, which works fine. Also, FUNC + TRIG to omit the note values when playing works as expected.

However, the parameter locked values aren’t played back as individual trig parameter values. Instead the track plays the static parameter value currently displayed, just like playback without parameter locks.

Sorry, it worked for me, so I’m not sure how to troubleshoot except to suggest pressing one of the yellow trigs while it’s playing unmuted—that might get it going, and also should modify the parameter while it’s being pressed to test it. One that tripped me up is I forgot to start the Syntakt sequencer, but I think that’s just me before I’ve had all my coffee…