Combining internal + external sequencers?

I wonder if anyone else has found a way to do this? I’ve got an arp running on the Digitone that I want to add and sutract notes from using an external controller/sequen cer but playing a note in from the sequencer seems to cause all the notes programmed in the sequencer to be turned off?

Similarly, is there any way to get incoming midi notes to be affected by parameter/sound locks?

Already possible with lock trigs, OS 1.30
I didn’t upgraded to 1.30A yet, should be possible too…
Didn’t seem possible with Soundlocks.
I tried it with midi loopback (hence external midi), then with internal notes triggering. Same results. The lock trigs have to be triggered after external notes.

Yep. My favourite way to use digitone is to sequence notes from OT arp . A sequencer inside a sequencer…
The the digitone is a synth module, with 4 synth patches and I use the function +p lock thing to modulate the synth parameters per step. Very satisfying.

5 LFOs per track this way. :muscle:


Do you use microtiming on OT or DN?
The cool thing about DN’s is that it is synced even with live playing. The first lock trig don’t wirk properly though.

Thanks! I’ll have a play with this and see if I can get the affect I am going for. You are sequencing the notes from the elektron and using midi to mod the params though? I’m hoping to do the opposite. Use lock to turn the knobs for me then feed in the notes from MIDI

Thanks, sounds like I must just not have been doing that bit right.

Would love to be able to combine internal and external notes without them fighting each other though! I just want polymetric ambient pads and plucks!

In my example, notes are not sequenced at all. Live playing. I plocked some pitch ratios, other parameters like feedback fro drums, no notes.
I don’t think it’s possible to mix internal / external notes (external overriding internal notes).

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With sequences set in DN? Would you use Control Changes to control Trig page Notes?

Bit of both.

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is it possible to use both internal sequencer of a Digitone and use second external sequencer from Octa on same channel ? it seems like not possible