Combo MM suggestions

I had the MnM, OT + A4 but ended up sticking with the following combo instead - 2 x MnM + A4 with a TR8 added for any further percussive embellishments.
Works for me but I can see 2 x MnM + the OT being hugely powerful in the right hands.
I have other studio kit obviously but this is my main focus as a creative hub for the agencies of most new ideas.

This is what I have been working on today and it is nowhere near finished but its just the TR8, the two MnM’s + A4 and a touch of Microtonic for good measure. Will be a good track when finished I feel.

The 2xMnM+A4 combo is clearly working for you! Very nice sounds.
I often feel like just about any non-OT, 3x Elektron combo would work out for me. I’m on Rytm/A4/MnM. Sometimes I think about swapping the Rytm for a 2nd MnM, and sometimes for a 2nd A4, or an AK. Hell sometimes I dream of adding a 2nd Rytm. Really, I’d just like two of everything but that is excessive. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
Wish they made the TR-8 smaller and Elektron/Electribe size, as I’d probably own one if they did.

Nice Venn good track i agree with you.
what about your nord drum…
how do you seq it?

A4 CV outs sequence all 4 ND voices. Works a treat.

about the LFOs of the monomachine controlling MD :
don’t forget that the synthesis tracks and the midi tracks share the same LFOs, so you have to choose beetween them …

when I was talking about “triangle”’…
talking about a figure composed of 3 machines including two twins …

this is the difference from the “trinity”
… but the other night I was looking for the DESIGN - LFO waveform

on the MM … :astonished:

I realized how much I missed the OT …

I went to bring it back …
so now

let’s play

Holly ****! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: I’ll be expecting something massive - no mistakes allowed!

yess GreaT