Community glitch pack 2015

hi guys … I would like to start a project for the month of January 2015 where we get together and create a nice little GLITCHY KIT, with a lot of pops, zaps, unks, swishes, kreezzzs , and what not …

we have 16 machines, but would like to leave some free for ctrl action, midi machines, and maybe additional space for the “end user” …
there is only a few of us in the MD section of the forum, so I am thinking of 6 maybe 7 entrants, hence 2 sounds each will give us 12/14 sounds to mess with …

rules : no samples, only internal machines to be used …

Start: January 2015
End: January 2015

…what am I not thinking of`?

…who is in?

good idea count me in :+1:

great idea

good idea, but keep in mind that some entrants may want different master fx settings than others.

if you want to put all entries into a single kit, you may at least want to stipulate that sounds should not depend on specific master fx parameter settings.


started messing a bit … glitchy sounds are harder to make than initally thought of! …

what about your progress guys ?

I am making almost no progress, I guess nobody else has any luck either :stuck_out_tongue: … here is a sound I came across by accident, thought I put it into the thread immediately

efm HH

pitch 94
dec 104
trem 104
tfrq 44

mod 28
mfrq 0
mdec 86
fb 22

amd 0
amf 0
eqf 71
eqg 48

fltf 91

dist 0
vol 110 pan 0
del 0
rev 0

lfos 64
lfod 0
lfom 0

not really a Glitch BD Kick, but a pretty fucking decent kick none the less… would love for another kick savvy elektronaut to develop further! —


pitch 29
dec 105
ramp 108
rdec 0

mod 0
mfrq 22
mdec 0
mfb 50

amd 0
amf 49
eqf 43
eqg 63

fltf 28
fltw 78
fltq 99
srr 0

dist 0
vol 110
pan 0
del 0

rev 23
lfod 37
lfom 0