Compression on an individual machine

Hi! I’ve been reading and experimenting on the Machinedrum for a bit and can’t seem to find a detailed explanation on this. Do I have to root the machine to a separated output and use a Ctr machine?

Thanks in advance!

I’m not sure that I fully understand your question. Unless you route the sound of a track to an individual output, the track’s sound will pass through the master compressor. What are you trying to achieve?

What’s been said. If you route it to a separate output it will bypass the compressor as it is on the master.

The comp is there to gel all sounds, if you want comp per drum , route out and use external.

I don’t really use the comp, which seems to be set on by default so have to change the setting to dry each time. Annoying.

I just track out to my daw and use plugins which sound way better.

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