Compressor setin


Just bougth an SPS1 UW+ MK2

looks like its gonna be a lot of fun!

im looking on some advice on the compressor setting for techno , hard techno, hardcore

i like to have a solid punch, big output


Hi Kriss,

I highly recommend this guide:

You will find a a very detailed how to regarding your question.


I’m probably stupid, but this guide made no sense to me regarding compression.

Thanx Clubkaiser, very interresitng!

But pls lets keep onnthe compression setings question.

So, any advice ?

Have you ever used a real compressor?
Its a lot like that.

Keep your kicks real loud, keep everything else quiet, then lower the threshold and set the ratio to max.

Adjust release to taste.

Push harder with OUTG (this raises the whole level because reducing the threshold will often reduce the overall level).

I am used to the compressors devices in Ableton.

When following these instructions, the only parameter that makes any changes is Gain.

I’m probably stupid, but this guide made no sense to me regarding compression. [/quote]
Hi Credo,
in Tarekith’s tips and tricks you can find a few very good tips about compression.
Check out the “bass drum” and “using the compressor” part.


Hi Kriss,
since you asked for punchy drums and big output, I advise you to read Tarekith’s carefully.
What you are looking for is not only a matter of compression, there is quite a lot more involved.
Route your kick to a separate output, eq, pan and set the volume levels of all your tracks will help you to get a defined sound. HP filter on everything that does not need the lower freqs.
Compression on the kickdrum for example is not the magic you are looking after. Especially on a drummachine its basically just a transient shaper.
Check this article, that helped me understand compression in general.
Go the hard way and enhance your mixing and compression skills and you won’t have to ask for specific settings.
Sorry for not answering your initial question.

Just keep in mind that the MD’s compressor doesn’t behave like a real compressor.

The envelope section (attack-release) is the less efficient IMHO.
The (makeup) gain parameter can destroy your speaker…you have been got aware of this!

But it works fine if set correctly…but we cant’ give you precise cue on how to set it up for a specific genre…all depends from your relative levels.

If you want to make a real test:

  • put a 4/4 kick
  • put a EFM charly/cymbals with loooooooooooong decay .
  • engage the Dynamix compressor with MIX@0
  • put RATIO@max
  • begin lowering the THRESHOLD value.
  • you should hear a pumping effect on the charly’s sound
  • GAIN to taste
  • start to try different settings on the parameters and start to add some more machines in
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thanx a lot guys!

apreciate your help

sicijk, i will try that,

what i dont like most about this compressor is that all seting are expressed with 0-127 value and not in Db and ms …

I’m probably stupid, but this guide made no sense to me regarding compression. [/quote]
Hi Credo,
in Tarekith’s tips and tricks you can find a few very good tips about compression.
Check out the “bass drum” and “using the compressor” part.

Thanks. It is these actual instructions that doesn’t work for me. :slight_smile:
I will try out @sicijk’s above. Quite the same, but clearer.

OMG not again… Best of luck…

Not sure what you mean.
Thanks …compression is not the easiest practice to master.

Sorry… There was a huge long thread on the old board on how the compressor works… Some of the controls are opposite to what you would find on a real compressor… For example turning the comp ratio… Turning to the right would increase on a real comp where on the MD this may decrease it… Dont use that example as the gospel but some of the controls are counter intuitive…

as cosmosuave has said, the md dynamix compressor is a strange beast indeed. to show you how strange, follow this link and go to page 19 of the pdf. (elektron next level tips including a compendium of the shared knowledge about the unusual behaviour of the md comp).

for a start, the attack and release knobs appear to have fast and slow at opposite ends of the knob to where most people expect them. then there is a point in the rotation where the release actually appears to control the attack too. i also never managed to get the high pass filter to work… it requires lots of experimentation. good luck !

Zeropoint, thanx for the pdf! thats is realy nice info in there!

Im startomg to get some pretty nice sound, realy happy with my MD