The Elekton Sequencer which allow more variety in pattens beyond just percentages with the NGI, FST, PRE et al conditions.
The basic idea is from a drum patten or score calculate percentages and combinations of hits then create a conitonally based 1 bar patten.
The randomisation provide a quick way to create variations in the style of particular breakbeats.
The aim is not to duplicate but to have a basis for variations.
Just studying breakbeats like this can be helpful in creating your own.
It also adds to working out various techniques with the Elektron sequencer and related features.
Examples (Source: Breakbeat Bible by Mike Adamo)
C = closed hihat , O = open hihat, S = snare, K = kick
Runnin - The Pharcyde - J Dilla
C,3,5,7,9,11,13,15 @ 100%
S 5,13 @ 100
K 1@87, 2@12, 3@38, 6@25 8@50 9@37 10@75 12@87, 16@37
A straight forward percentage patten. With an all percentage track there is the slight chance that there can be no hits or all hits.
Note: Percentage as calculated. These will need to be rounded to Elektron values.
Example 8 bars:
Kit: HEYBELI (Default)
God made me funky - Headhunters - Mike Clark
C 1,3,5,7,9 @100,11@75,13@100, 14@75, 15@75
O 11@_NEI (not neighbour)
S 5,13 @ 100
K 1@100, 8@100, 16@_1ST (not first)
The hats need to be neighbour tracks and will alternate randomly
The kick on 16 does not occur on the first bar and _1ST handles this. For more random have 16@87%
Example 8 bars:
Kit: BLKWAK (Default)
Funky Drummer - James Brown - Clyde Stubblefield
C 1,2,3,4, 5 @100, 6@2:2, 8@75, 9,10,11,12,13@100,14@8:8,15,16@100
O 8@_NEI, 14@_NEI
S 5@100, 8@100,
K 1@100, 3@300, 6@8:8, 9@3:3, 11@100, 14@100, 16@8:8
This is a very simplified version of the patten as there is a lot more hat work.
The A:B provides fixed variations and _NEI provides hits for the open HH on 14 for all bars not 8:8.
More variation can be done with using percentages instead of A:B.
Example 8 bars:
Kit: CLASSIXI (Default)
Amen Brother - The Winstons - Gregory C. Coleman
C, 11 @75, 13@PRE, 15@100
O 11@_NEI
Cy 13@_NEI
Note: NEI/_NEI ignore previous NEI/_NEI so The O and CY hits are based on 13 conditional of C.
S 2@25,5,8,10@100, 13@50, 15@_PRE,16@PRE
Note: PRE/_PRE ignore previous PRE/_PRE so 15 and 16 are based on 13 conditional
K 1@75, 3@o, 4@_PRE, 11@100, 12@50
3 should be the default o - an unevaluated always
Hit 4 based on the occurance of 1 as 3 is not evaluated.
Example 8 bars:
Kit: BOGOMIPS (Default)
Apache - Michael Viner’s Incredible Bongo Band - Jim Gordon
C 1,3,5,7,9,11,13,15 @ 100
S 5,10,13,16 @ 100
K 3@75, 111@100
A repetitive four bar patten with scope for added probabilities.
Soul Pride - James Brown - Clyde Subblefield
bpm 121
C 1@100, 3@66, 5@100, 7@100, 9@100, 11@50, 13@100, 15@50
S 2@50, 4@33, 5@78, 6@16, 8@78, 10@100, 11@66, 12@50, 14@50, 15@6100, 16@50
K 1@50, 3@78, 7@33, 9@50, 11@50, 13@50, 15@50
C 1@50, 3,5,7,9,11,13 13@1:2, 15@1:2
S 5,8,10@100, 11@2:2, 12@ 2:2,14@2:2, 15@100, 16@2:2
K 1@1:2, 3@100, 7@2:2, 9@2:2, 11@1:2, 13@2:2, 12@2:2
An approximation of 8 bars. The alternating bars can be represented as overall percentages or as A:B given the regularity.
This patten gives you an added appreciation of Stubblefield in case more was needed.
Reduced Hits
In some cases there are hits cut out from the patten just for one bar notably the last bar. Is no negative A:B which play on all bars except the A:B. This would partially solve the issue as having that as a conditional precludes other conditional.
The 1 patten focus is not mandatory so a second patten could be used. This is not a fixed system and just a starting point so deviate away.
Other Electron machine can be used as well since the sequencer is the same. There would be some additional flexibility with the instruments which do not have fixed machines to tracks.