Conditional Trigs don't seem logical

Trig 1 = 1:3, Trig 2 = NotPRE, Trig 3 = NotPRE
Play. trig1. trig2. trig3.
1 . X -. -
2,3. - X. X

However I would have expected trig3 to be the reverse of trig2 so that if trig2 = TRUE (ie when it was NOT triggered) then trig3 would be FALSE. But this is not the result.
If trig3 was PRE then trig2 and trig3 would trigger on the same play but do not.

As an exercise:
Trig1 = NotPRE, Trig2 = NotPRE, Trig3 = NotPRE
The actual result is silence
An expected result would be :0 X O / X 0 X (X is trigger, 0 = not trigger)
Play 1 assumptions:
trigI - not PRE trigger so NO PlAY
trig2 - no previous trigger so PLAY
trig3 - previous tigger so NO PLAY … and so on>

From the manual, “NotPRE is true when PRE is not”.
An interpretation is that the PRE state of the trigger is evaluated first and then if NotPRE the result inverted?
Perhaps I am wandering down too may rabbit holes but any comment or observation will be appreciated.


You seem triggered. Unconditionally. :wink::stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


PRE & NOTPRE trigs don’t listen to each other, so if you have a conditional or probability trig followed by a chain of PRE/NOTPRE, they will all listen only to the first conditional trig


From Syntakt manual :

PRE is true if the most recently evaluated trig condition on the same track was true. (PRE and /PRE conditions are ignored and not evaluated.)

/PRE is true when PRE is false. A trig with this trig condition is active if the most recently evaluated trig condition on the same track was not true. (PRE and /PRE conditions are ignored and not evaluated.)

From Octatrack MKI manual (as recent as MKII’s):

PRE is true if the most recently evaluated trig condition on the same track was true.

/PRE is true when PRE is not.

Confusing if this is not precised :
(PRE and /PRE conditions are ignored and not evaluated)

@tladb, what is your manual ?

So from what you expect in your example it should be :

Trig 1 = 1:3, Trig 2 = NotPRE, Trig 3 = PRE
Trig 1 = 1:3, Trig 2 = NotPRE, Trig 3 = 1:3

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Octatrack Mk 1

Thanks everyone for the clarification

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