Configured overbridge parameters for automation not updating when changing sound/kit

Please Help!!!

I am using an external controller (Push 2 but apples to any) to automate parameters configured in the overbridge plugin.

The problem that I have is that when change a sound or a kit, the default values of the parameter don’t change, so when I turn an encoder it destroys the sound as it starts at a total different value position than the sound real value.

Other vst when you change the preset, the values update accordingly.

Please can somebody help me?

Thank you



I´ll check tomorrow morning.

I’ll have to wait a few days to look into this. Don’t recall having such problems as you are describing though.

Hello guys

Just to clarify, the Overbridge Graphical User Interface does update when I change a track or kit, what doesn’t update is the Device Parameters (as shown in the screenshot).

This is an issue, as the only workaround is to move the knobs on the elektron machines for this values to update to the real current value, but I am using Push as the center of my setup, and have the elektrons far from my reach.

Most plugins when you change a preset, it updates this device parameter values for automation correctly.

Hope is something I am doing wrong and someone can point me in the right direction.

Thank you

I confirm, this is a “BUG”

Parameters are only updated on Overbridge GUI while preconfigured parameters on Live’s GUI aren’t, and because of that reason not updated on Push neither.

Also Reloading a kit doesn’t reflects on Ableton GUI nor PUSH.

Not good for live tweaking I guess. :frowning:

Be able to has parameter updates when controlling from a MIDI controller that supports visual feedback is a must. Because this is some internal communication related issue, and don’t involve real MIDI, I bet Elektron will fix eventually.

I advice you to create a support ticket. ASAP :slight_smile:


Thank you Gustavo for taking the time to look into it, it was driving me insane.

Its a huge bug I think, at least for my personal setup :slight_smile:

thanks again


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Sry for bumping an old thread but I’m still having the above described problem. Any solutions or workarounds?