Confused by the sound pool


Just got a digitone and I can’t wrap my head this…

I made my own pattern based on one of the preset pattern sounds.

I then deleted the entire sound pool to start building my own.

But for some reason a bunch of rows in the sound pool have a lock icon (write protection?), and there seems to be no way to get rid of it?

Is this a bug or?

Btw. I tried this with a new project and there were no locks in the sound pool.

You’ve used those Pool sounds within the old project

Specifically as Sound-Locks - so the pattern references the Pool ID and expects a sound to be there

Sound Locks are e.g. when you hold a trig (in grid edit mode) and twist the level encoder to select a sound on that one step alone


Thanks so much for explaining!

Can I somehow locate these references (sound locks) in the pattern and clear them?

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They are not in my current pattern. Or is it that they are referenced in the preset patterns perhaps? (I still have them on another bank in the project)


Thanks again for the response @avantronica

Took some time to understand this and the sound lock icon (Same icon as write lock in the sound bank, but different meaning)

I just cleared all of the factory sequences and now the icons are gone! :sweat_smile::pray:

Have a nice weekend


keep in mind the 128 are for the whole project - if you work on a project and swap files in the pool in and out, earlier patterns will then reference a different sound in that slot if it was changed, so those locks indicate the slot is used somewhere in that project and therefore be mindful of changes, so it’s best to add into a pool progressively (from 1 upwards) and leave some room for late additions … or any strategy that you can follow given the constraints e.g. keeping certain pool sections for certain types of sound

best way to get a feel for what works is make a dummy project and make deliberate controlled mistakes/changes and see how it behaves


Thanks a lot for the advice, will do! :pray:

It was my first project on one of the new boxes and I wanted to branch out from one of the preset patterns/sounds. And of course all of the other preset patterns were still in the project which is where my confusuion began :slight_smile:

You are right, starting from scratch and experimenting, is always a good idea when learning something new!

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clear as mud (the Sound Pool/Drive+/Project/Bank/Pattern sound management structure, if that’s even the right word is my main workflow annoyance). but i don’t really sequence via Digitone so have little need for more than four sounds (Tracks) per Pattern. there’s gotta be a more simpler way

Yeah it can get a bit intimidating for sure. But to be able to swap sounds per step is an amazing feature.

My guess is the sound pools 128 limit was added to allow the RAM to be able handle the instant swapping of sounds per step.

It’s also pretty nice to be able to shortlist sounds for a project and easily recall them.