Confused Total Recall

I currently have a few Ableton projects, each one corresponding to one song. I plan to use Overbridge to implement my AK and use the total recall feature. Obviously it’s way easier to have multiple songs in one project on my AK. But I actually don’t know if it’s possible to sync the same AK project to multiple projects on Ableton. Overbridge’s manual states a code is kept in the memory of the device with each project. I’m quite worried about losing data. It looks like it shouldn’t cause any problem … Is anyone using Overbridge this way and can confirm that it should be fine ? Thanks!

I don’t think this would work very well. As far as I understand it, will get really messy when accepting recalls from a project, could very easily overwrite what you’ve done on the other ones.

I’m open to correction, but as far as I know, Overbridge saves the entire state of the Elektron box when you sync it, so when you send that back to the box it will overwrite any changes you’ve made on another project.

Where TR is really useful is when you want to mainly use the plugin to save your settings and just sync it back to exactly where you were when you left off. For me, it’s the relevant Live set that’s the primary reference point rather than a project on the Elektron, if that makes sense.

Not sure if I’m explaining myself very clearly here, but I’m pretty sure for what you’re looking for it’d be easier to just keep saving the project on your AK rather than using total recall.

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Okay thanks for your answer ! So I’m going to keep 1 project on AK = 1 Ableton project = 1 song
I just need to try to move some patterns and kits between projects to see if I’ll be able to do a single live project at the end. This is possible with sysex, right ? I hope Overbridge will allow an easier project management in the future !

I hope Overbridge will allow an easier project management in the future !

For Realzzzz!