Confusing problem with Digitone and Ableton

Hello guys,

i got a super annoying problem with my digitone used via ableton. i’m just a beginner with electronic music production, so please be indulgent if this is a obvious thing, but i haven’t found anything at the internet for this case.

i use the digitone with overbridge at ableton and the macbook soundcard with headphones.
first i got one midi track with the digitone vst plugin. then i got 4 midi tracks at ableton, sending the midi notes to the digitone. then i got 4 audio tracks getting these sounds, so i can record them.

now when i play audio track 1 solo in ableton i figured out the audio is changing when i switch the selected audio track at my digitone, it just runs normal when i use track 2, 3 or 4 as activ track. Audio track 2 just sounds normal, when i select track 1, 3 or 4 and if i select track 2, it even plays additional the midi notes from track 4. Audio track 3 just sounds normal when i select track 1, 3 or 4 and track 4 just plays at all, when i select track 4 at the digitone.

i just can upload one screenshot, but if you need any pics just let me know! thanks for your advice and sorry for my bad english :slight_smile:

here are two more screenshots

From what I can see in that screenshot, it appears all your MIDI track outputs except for track 1, are going to the same destination. It seems like you have the whole group as the MIDI output which would cause all tracks to trigger.

What you need to do is choose that Digitone Ableton track as the output, then a 2nd drop down menu should be available to select each of the Digitones MIDI tracks. Set each track accordingly and you should be good to go!

This is how I have my Digitone Keys routed into Ableton Live. Using Overbridge. Each Synthesis track gets 1 midi/audio channel and can be recorded dry or wet (using the FX channel to record the fx used)
From your picture it seems you don’t have specific in/out and origin/destination for each of the midi channels. That may be causing issues with playback. Not 100% sure though. Perhaps this helps.

** I should note that I am using USB audio, as I have my 16 analog inputs all being used from various other hardware, so with the Digitone Keys, it is sending all audio/midi over USB, with minimal issues regarding latency. Hence why each channel of audio for the DNK is set to recieve audio from the Overbridge channel I have in the group.

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